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I snickered as the two left, seeing Jimin's face heating up once he understood what I had said. A sudden rush of sleepiness hit me.

"I'm gonna go take a nap," I yawned, going up stairs and changing into comfy clothes, laying in Namjoon's and my bed, pulling the covers up and smiling as I smelled his scent, calming me to drop off into sleep rather quickly.
When I woke up, it was dark outside and Namjoon was in bed, arms wrapped around me and asleep. The alarm clock said it was three in the morning. I was about to fall back asleep before a wave of nausea passed up my spine. I quickly scrambled out of bed and ran into the bathroom, making it in time to toss some cookies into the toilet.

A few seconds later, I heard some padding feet on the tile, Namjoon kneeling down next to me and rubbing my back as I threw up the food I ate yesterday.

"Ugh," I groaned, trying to keep down more vomit. "What's going on?"

"Are you feeling sick?"

"I'm puking in a toilet right now, what do you think," I snapped, quickly moving back over the bowl to try and keep the rising tide of vomit back.

He sighed and got up, filling a Dixie cup (small paper cup to those who don't know) with water. He came back and used some toilet paper to wipe the puke off of my lips and nose before helping me drink the water.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"For what?"


"It's okay."

He continued to rub my back comfortingly until I felt I got out what was needed out at the moment and wiped my face clean again, flushing down the puke and helping me back into bed, setting a trashcan on my side just in case and climbing back in with me.

"Am I running a fever?" I asked quietly. I felt his hand slip under my bangs to feel my forehead.


I frowned before closing my eyes and falling asleep again, surrounded by Namjoon's scent.

Namjoon's POV:

I should probably tell him.

No, then he'll take it out of context and start saying it's not true.

But now this is happening and it's more likely than not it's true.

Doesn't mean he'll want it to be true.

Fuck, I'm so sorry Jin.

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