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Namjoon let me take a nap in his bed, so I was laying there when I heard a commotion outside. Cracking open the door, I peeked outside, where I saw Jimin falling, bringing Yoongi with him. The older looked infuriated, but crashed to the ground with Jimin under his and their mouths tight against each other.

The alpha tried forcing his hands off of him, a bit of blood trickling down Jimin's arms from Yoongi's claws. Finally, Yoongi managed to get the omega's hands off of him.

"I don't like you," Jimin murmured.

"Then what the fuck was that for?!"

"I love you," the younger said. The alpha froze, blinking down at Jimin. I shut the door when they stood up after the alpha got over his shock, hearing Yoongi's door shut.

Crawling back into Namjoon's bed, I curled up with one of his Ryan plushies, still thinking over what I had seen. The door opened and shut, the bed dipping down as someone climbed on. I heard Namjoon sigh and all other thoughts of the two in the other room went away. Rolling over to face him, he did the same so we were looking at each other.

"Did you take a nap?" He asked, making a small shiver go down my spine at his low voice.

I shook my head, cuddling into his warmth and scent. "Jimin confessed to Yoongi."

"Was that what that was all about?" He asked, laying an arm around my waist. I nodded, breathing in his scent of the sea and fresh cut grass. Yes, it does sound like a weird scent. But did I care? No. Well, yes I did care, but I didn't care about how weird his scent sounded. "Are you sleepy?"

I shook my head. "I just wanna cuddle."

"That can be arranged," he chuckled, combing through my hair.

"Did you come from the gym?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, I went with Kook and just got back. Do I smell bad?"

I quickly shook my head. "You just smell more like the grass now. I like it."

He chuckled again. "Then should I sweat a bit more?"

"You can. Either way, you smell good."

"Glad you think so." We fell into a comfortable silence of me cuddling into his neck and him running his fingers through my hair. He hummed softly. "I should probably take a shower."

"Don't go," I mumbled into his shoulder.

"I need to shower, hyung."

"No you don't," I said, holding him tighter.

"Look, it's either I go or we both go." I froze, flush creeping up my face. Not from the alpha voice he used, but from the words he said. Testing my luck, I held onto his shirt tightly. He sighed and I yelped when he picked me up bridal style. He started walking to the attached bathroom and I felt my heart pick up, my hand grasping at his clothes. "You asked for it."

We entered the bathroom and the door was shut. There was no going back now. I was set down and Namjoon got out two towels, beginning to take off his sweaty clothes.

Oh no.

Helping [PART ONE OF THE HELPING SERIES]Where stories live. Discover now