The bed was a mess by the time my heat was over. But we kept going because god knows when the next time we do this is. We fucked through the overstimulation and kept making each other feel so good, we couldn't stop.
Our hotel stay was a bit longer than we had planned, but we didn't go outside the room. Hell, we hardly left the bed. We just kept fucking over and over again, caught up in the bliss we finally reached after nine months. Or...wait no, was it nine? Or eleven? Either way, it was almost a year since we've had sex and we needed to keep going.
We were loud. Very loud. Probably why Namjoon chose a hotel with soundproof walls.
There were probably permanent stains on the sheets and my thighs were so caked with cum, it was borderline uncomfortable. But more arousing than that.
And the way Joon licked it up made me want more of him, so we'd fuck again. At last, it was time to go. We went into the bathroom to clean up and when my back was turned, Namjoon bit into the mating mark again.
A small whimper escaped my mouth as he rubbed circles into my hips and he bit further into the scar. I was brought back closer to him and pleasure raced through my veins and we went at it again on the tile wall.
We changed into the clothes we brought and before we left the room, we had a heated make out session against the door. Namjoon left a hefty tip on the nightstand as we left. We were in the elevator when the door opened and a person came on. My breath caught in my throat when I realized who it was.
It was a dispatch reporter.
I quickly hid my face into Namjoon's chest despite the fact we had our disguises on and he rubbed my back, probably not realizing who she was.
We got out on the lobby and I turned my head towards the brochure rack as a cover to glance at the reporter behind us.
She was watching us closely as if she was trying to remember something. We made eye contact and her eyes widened.
She remembered who we were.
"Joonie," I mumbled under my breath as he paid for the two days we spent here.
"What is it?" He asked, an arm around my waist.
He stiffened and quickly took his card back and we speed-walked right out of there. I glanced behind us.
She was right there. With a camera.
"Run," I whispered and we bolted it to the car, quickly pulling out of the parking lot and into the street.
We breathed a sigh of relief at missing the reporter.
When we got home, we took the pups from Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jungkook..? It was supposed to be Jimin and Tae. Where was Jimin?"Yoongi started his rut and told Jimin to get over there," Hoseok summed up. "Can we stay until they're done?"
"Of course," I said, booping Siyeon's nose.
The others were in the living room while Namjoon and I set Jihyo and Siyeon into their cribs for a nap, but Siyeon kept clutching at Namjoon's shirt.We both jumped when she started crying.
I scooped her out of his arms and she started crying harder. Namjoon took her back in our desperation to get her to stop crying and she calmed down almost immediately when he held her close to his neck. By his scental gland.
We looked at each other in shock before I told him to amp his scent. He did so gradually and the pup quieted down. She started humming softly in cracked noises before she dozed off on his shoulder.
But her cries woke up Jihyo. He started crying too and I cursed under my breath as Namjoon set Siyeon into her crib.
"Do whatever you did to calm him down," I whispered and he nodded, coming over and picking up Jihyo. But he wouldn't stop crying.
"Is he hungry?" Namjoon asked worriedly, amping his scent slowly. But it wasn't working.
"Hold on, let me try something." I set and cloth on my shoulder and took Jihyo from his arms and heard him hiccup. I was right.
I gently patted his back and he coughed and hiccuped. He quieted down once he spat up the air bubble in his belly. Gently, I set him into the crib and tucked the soft blanket around his hips and legs, taking the cloth off of my shoulder and tossing it into the hamper we had in here. I ushered Namjoon out of the room and made sure the monitor was on as was the night light.
Quietly, I shut the door to the nursery and we went downstairs to the living room. I flopped onto the couch and huffed.
"Twins sure are something."
"Were they okay when we were gone?" Namjoon asked as he sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.
"They loved us!" Taehyung exclaimed. "Although, they really liked Jungkook's attention when he was actually off his phone."
The beta shrugged. "Not my fault they like me more."

FanfictionJin and Jimin have never had their heats while in fame before. This was because of heat suppressants, tight schedules, and the three alphas in the dorm. Namjoon and Yoongi are both very dominant alphas, attracting the two omegas immediately. They're...