Unexpected Connection~2

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However, I never realized how wrong I could be, for this huge event was sneaking up on me and before I knew it, it was already only two days away and I've been working both shifts almost every day and I still didn't get to do that shopping I was hoping to do, and it was beginning to worry me a little bit, knowing that of all the other worker's my boss had to choose my biggest rival Cynthia one bitch I couldn't stand was going to be going with me on this adventure, and she was gloating already about the dress she had picked out for the celebrity party. But instead of arguing with her, I just rolled my eyes and walked away to finish up my work, so I could go back home and try to come up with something decent enough to wear in front of celebrity figures, not like I had anything near good enough, but I had to try even if it was just to outdo fucking Cynthia.

Beens it was Dotty's turn to close up, I got to go home early and search thru my closet to see if I even had any dresses at all. After endless searching, all I found was my gothic black leather dress with silver studs in it that I used to wear all the time when I was a freshman in high school, for I was quite the exotic goth chick when I first started out in school, but in order to get a job and keep it I had to change my appearance, which wasn't to my liking, but it was necessary in order to survive. I kept looking at my dress and snickered at the thought of going to that party wearing it. But instead, I put it away and gave a deep sigh, as I plopped on the foot of my bed realizing I had nothing to wear, and no store was open around here this late at night.

I became desperate real quick, then I remembered the one friend that never let me down yet, for she was also my big brother's fiance, her name was Nancy. I gave her a call and asked her if she had a nice dress suitable for a celebrity party that I was going to be working at the day after tomorrow. Nancy must have heard the desperation in my voice and told me to come on over and have a peek thru her wardrobe, and that anything she had I could use. The one good thing about my one and only friend was that she was one of the most gorgeous bitches around and everyone knew it, plus she only bought the best clothes and was usually too pricy for most people around.

I leaped for joy on the inside as I thanked her, and was headed out before anyone could count to 3. It was only 8 blocks to my brother's house, and when I got there I found out that he was still gone on his billiards tournament so I ran on in hollering out for her and told her who and what I was up against, and that I just wanted to look my best on my first opportunity to meet real-life celebrity's. Then I showed her a picture of Cynthia and what she was showing off to everyone at the bar what she was wearing. Nancy took one look at the dress and laughed, I looked at her questionably, because everyone at the bar including myself thought it was a very nice dress.

Nancy kept snickering as she pulled me into her huge walk-in closet, and turned on the lights. For as long as Nancy has been dating my brother Tommy, I've never seen her closet. She had so many dresses and fancy apparel I didn't know what to do, I couldn't even blink and every single one of them was more beautiful then the last one I looked at. But Nancy checked me out then pulled out three very specific dresses one was black one was red and the last one was silver. After trying on each of them Nancy told me I should definitely go with the red one because it showed my sexy curves the most then she added colorfully that red dressed drove men wild, no matter if they were rich or not. I snorted at her and told her that I wouldn't have a chance in hell to get any celebrity attracted to my dumb and ugly ass when they could get any rich celebrity chick they wanted.

Nancy popped me on the head and said when she was done working her magic on me, I wouldn't even know me, then she smacked me a second time and told me never to belittle myself around her again, because I was a very beautiful female, and that I just needed to work on my dress code a lil more, and get help in learning how and what type of makeup to apply, and I would be almost too hott to handle for any guy's eyes. and I would also give her a run for her money on being the new hottest bitch around. I totally ignored that last comment, because I knew she was full of shit now.

But I was once again proven wrong, for Nancy did work a huge fucking miracle on me because when she finished I didn't know who I was seeing in the mirror because it looked nothing like me. I was...I was...BEAUTIFUL! Nancy snickered at me as I kept staring at myself not being able to believe it was me I was seeing and said she told me so. I looked back around at her and thanked her hundreds of times and asked her very quickly if she could do the same thing for me on the day of the party so I could look this good for it. Nancy smiled at me and said she sure as hell would, if only to see that fucking Cynthia's jaw drop to the floor so she could sweep the shit back into her mouth for me. I gave her a huge hug and thanked her again before hauling ass back to the house so I could get some much-needed sleep after all that excitement, and get prepared for the greatest moment of my life, or so I hoped.

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