Unexpected Connection~6

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(Criss's P.O.V.)

Johnny and I were having our late breakfast pizza, and heading to the party location, while I was on the phone with Klayton telling him that he needed to look halfway decent at this social benefit and not to embarrass me with his punk ass clothes. Not that I didn't like that look, because all in all, that's the way I preferred to dress most of the time too, but just not in this case. This was a celebration of fundraising for cancer kids and we needed to look our best for it. Klayton told me not to get so dramatic and that he already had what he was wearing ready for the party and for me to get my ass to the party location to make sure everything was ready. 

I chuckled irritatingly at him and told him he was such an ass, as I hung up with him and looked down at my son and told him that his uncle Klayton was a shit head. Johnny laughed at my choice of words and asked if there was going to be other kids at the party. I told him there was going to be several there for the first part of the party, then afterward his grammy was coming to pick him up and take him to his uncle Costa's house for a sleepover, and that's when the adult party would begin. As I pulled up to the building I noticed there were several vehicles already there. I carried Johnny into the enormous building and noticed them prepping the tables and setting out all the food.

I turned around to where the bar was located, just to see if anyone was there yet, but it was still empty, I looked down at my watch and noticed it was just turning 10:30 and was beginning to wonder if the people that were hired to tend the bar and beverages was even going to show up in time or not. I sat Johnny on one of the chairs as I talked with a few of the workers there letting me know that everything would be fine for the main event. Jonathan Davis and several other friends of mine that always stood beside me during these moments of pride and success were coming in the doors asking me when the party was happening. Carrot-Top was there, Sully popped in behind me giving me an embarrassing kiss on the cheek as he hugged me from behind telling me how much he's missed me, then he went over to Johnny and swung him around in a circle asking how his mini smack was doing.

Johnny gave him a hug and said he was doing okay, and that he was waiting for the party to come so he could see other kids to play with. Sully snickered and said he couldn't wait for the party to start either so he could do a little playing of his own later on. I smacked him and told him to watch his shit, then I went over to talk with Jonathan and my other brothers I gained during my time of success. 

(Kayley's P.O.V.)

Meanwhile, back at St.Elmo's Bar my boss was raping my earholes with all of his bullshit rules for the event, and I was just sitting there ignoring him, because there was no way in hell that I wasn't going to interact with the stars, if they spoke to me, I was there not only to serve them, but I was there for me too, and meeting celebrities was a chance in a lifetime and I wasn't going to ruin the fun just to abide by his stupid rules, and I knew Cynthia wasn't going to listen either, for she was dressed for an all-night slutfest at the hopes of getting lucky with one of the rich and famous...but no matter how fancy she dressed, I hated to break it to her but she just couldn't fix ugly, and she was rotten to the core, not to mention her heart being cold and selfish, not caring about anyone but herself and what other's can do for her.

After the dumb speech was over with I rushed out the doors and headed back to the house because Nancy has been texting me for the last 15 minutes telling me to get my ass home so she could get me ready, because time was running out and making her masterpiece did take a lil time. I texted her letting her know I was one my way and to get things ready even though I knew she already had everything ready. Nancy met me on the front porch and pulled me into the bathroom and quickly got my hair out of the braids and worked on it first to get it out of the way. I wanted it partially down but she insisted on keeping it up until she was finished with my makeup and I got into the dress, then she would put it down for me. 

After three hours of primping, patting, and making me up, she spun me around in the chair and said with a smile of pure confidence that I was ready for the party. I slid on the dress and put on the matching black heels, and did one final spin and asked her if I really looked good enough for this party. Nancy smiled at me and said I would melt their eyeballs I looked so hott. Then she added that in order to make a good impression that I needed to let the sexy flirty me come out and not the shy quiet and submissive person that I normally was, and she wouldn't be surprised at all if I didn't bring the sexiest and richest guy there to drop to his knees for me. I snickered back at her as I was heading out the door and told her maybe in my dreams that was possible but never in reality, not for me. I carefully got into the car and headed to the party's location, but as I pulled into the parking lot I began to get very cold feet and not wanting to go inside.

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