Unexpected Connection~9

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(Kayley's P.O.V.)

It wasn't until after the party died down, that I could finally take some time to have a little personal fun myself, and I couldn't think of a better way to enjoy myself then being in the company of three very sexy and famous celebrities. But what struck me as odd, was no matter how many times I told each of them my name was Kayley, they always called me Kc, it wasn't until I put two and two together that Kc was simply my initials so a lil embarrassed I decided not to continue the argument. After Cynthia realized that it really was me under the dress and extreme beauty makeover I got, she got very bitter fast and left the party right after the bar closed. 

For the first time in my life, I finally got the best of that bitch and the guys weren't ignoring me this time, I couldn't believe how much of a good job Nancy did on me. Klayton and Sully kept asking me why I was volunteering to tend bar for the party because there was no way in hell that I was just a common every day blue collar worker, when I looked the way I did, that I had to be a model of some kind. I giggled uncontrollably for a while at that thought, me a model, but I told both of them that I wasn't any model, or famous anything...that I was just a girl that worked at Elmo's bar and grill downtown and lived in a very crummy ass apartment working maximum hours for minimum wages.

So I was living one of my dreams dancing and having a good time with real men, and just having a normal conversation with them like I was their equal. The longer I hung around with them the closer emotionally and physically I got to them. It was getting extremely difficult for me to choose which one I liked the most. But deep down I knew that Criss was the one that was luring me in with some kind of unstoppable force I couldn't understand, but it was very strong and constant. After a while, Sully was drunk enough that he wasn't too picky anymore so he found interests in another girl sitting by the bar wearing a pink mini dress and medium length blond hair. 

Klayton, however, was being consistent with fighting over me with Criss, on taking turns dancing, that was until I got a lil tired of being pulled back and forth like being the rope for the tug of war game, so I jokingly slipped out from between them and put their hands together and told them to dance, that I was going to take a break and get a drink. Criss glared at Klayton for being in the way as always, but Klayton spun him in a circle and said he was leading and not to be stepping on his feet. So I watched with mild humor as Klayton and Criss danced together, but it really got good when a fast-moving song came on, they both copycatted each other's moves in perfect unison, halfway thru it Sully caught on what they were doing and he jumped in and kept in perfect sync with them as well...I was really impressed at how awesome they were.

I was beginning to feel very tired now that the party was just about over, I checked my phone and couldn't believe that it was 1 in the morning. But I didn't want to leave the building, for I knew once I did, I was probably never going to see any of them again, and I didn't want the night to end. Sully told us all bye and that he would catch us all later, then he came up behind me and kissed my neck and said he'd definitely see me later, then he headed out the back door with the blond chick. What I didn't know or understand was why he said he would see me later, because I knew none of them would ever see me again. But the kiss on the neck from Mr. Godsmack was going to last me a lifetime. 

Klayton and Criss, however, wasn't in any hurry to leave or to let me leave for that matter, they sat down around me and kept asking me all kinds of questions about my life and all the things I liked and didn't like, then they took turns and told me about them. I really enjoyed talking to both of them, but at that moment I didn't know what all the conversing was leading to, but they did, they were checking me out to see who I connected better with, and which one would be the better one to take me home, and which one was going to be sleeping alone tonight. 

It wasn't until the questions got more personal, and even a lil perverted that I figured out what they were trying to do, I was shocked and turned on at the same time from both of them wanting to have anything to do with me, but even after all the questioning and answering, I told them both that there was no way for me to choose between them, because I adored them both, and couldn't hurt either of them by picking one instead of the other. Criss shook his head in understandment, but Klayton wasn't going to be as subtle, he slid closer to me and said that was fine with him, that I didn't have to choose, then he laid a huge kiss on me and said that I was woman enough for both of them and that he wasn't past sharing with Criss.

Criss looked at his old buddy and said he wouldn't mind sharing her with him like Klayton had a claim on me already. I giggled to myself as I watched as they argued the matter over further, but in the end Klayton got the upper hand because he finally used the first come first serve on Criss, for it was true, Klayton was the first one I met before entering the party, and he was true to his word, he stayed with me during the entire event and it was for sure they made it known to me that they both wanted to take me home.

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