Unexpected Connection~10

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(Klayton's P.O.V.)

Right when I realized that Criss was going to be my main competition, I knew I was in way over my fucking head, because when it came to massive charm that lucky shithead was always coming out on top, but beens I was also very attracted to Kc as we both now called her, there was no way I was going to give up easily because to me she was worth fighting over, even if it was just for a spur of the moment kind of fling. So all three of us together hopped in Kc's vehicle and she drove us to her apartment which was ironically right across the street from the hotel Criss and all us celebrities were crashing until we headed back to our homes. 

At first, I could tell that she was a little hesitant about inviting us into her home, but I don't think it was because of her so much as being afraid of us, as it was of letting us see how poorly she lived. But I guess Criss figured it out first because he told her that it was ok, that no one could live in as bad conditions as he had when he was a kid for him and his family lived in a tiny broken down house and had to share the room with his brothers. Then he looked at the apartment complex and said that it was a nice looking place to come home to. I looked at him as I told her that I still lived in the little cheesy ass house that I grew up in but my true home was in my music studio. 

Kc gave in and showed us to her apartment, then she unlocked the door and turned on the lights as she showed us in. Criss was right, she had no reason to feel insecure about us seeing her abode. It was very clean and kept up, it just wasn't ritzy or fancy. Which to be honest, was more my taste anyway. It was my buddy Criss that liked showing off his fortune and glory thru his living and all his expensive toys. Another thing that most chicks went gaga over, was all of Criss's wicked rides and the majestic castle-like mansion called Serenity that he created himself to live in. And if that didn't work Criss would always use his son's sad story and then let the ladies meet my adorable nephew, and he would win their hearts over for Criss, to where he didn't have to compete anymore. 

Kc showed us to the small living room where there was a plush sofa and one rocking recliner then in the corner there was a 46-inch flat screen tv with a few dvd towers filled with movies. Mostly horror movies from the '80s. Criss and I looked thru them and we both said she was a girl after our own hearts, for we both loved scary movies as well. And I took deep pride in telling her that I was a true son of the '80s fashions, styles, music, and movies. I sat down on the sofa first, then playfully grabbed Kc and sat her down beside me before she could choose the chair to sit in away from both of us. Criss sat down on the other side of her, then we all just sat in silence for a little while before Criss came out and asked if we could crash there for the night and watch scary movies with her. It was very childish the way he asked it, but I was kicking myself in the ass for not coming up with that excuse myself.

Kc smiled at both of us and said she would love to watch some scary movies with us, Criss was off the sofa and quickly riffling thru the DVDs until he found a few of the 80's slasher thrasher movies that he liked and hadn't seen since we were kids and turned the tube on and got the first movie ready to watch, while I was making myself at home in her kitchenette grabbing a few Cherry Pepsi's from the fridge and asking her if she had any popcorn. Kc got up and pulled out the popcorn, and handed me the huge bowl she used for it I told her to go sit down and I would do the rest. Moments later I was sitting back down handing out the drinks and putting the popcorn in Kc's lap so we all could reach it, Criss pushed play and we all relaxed down to watch Criss's first choice on horror movies which was Nightmare on Elm Street. I looked at him and said really very comically because it was the first horror movie we went to see together on the double date we had and ended up staying up all night because the girl we were seeing was too scared to go to sleep. 

But as the movie moved thru its scenes we both realized that Kc really loved this type of movie and wasn't even the slightest creeped out, Criss and I, however, haven't seen it in so long that we were a little disgusted on a few parts we had forgotten about. So we sat up and watched all 8 movies of the Elm street collection before we decided it was bedtime. Kc didn't think much about it, she got up and went to her room, and Criss and I obediently followed her into the bedroom we just waited until she got in and comfy before we both hopped in on each side of her and snuggled down with her. If she was insecure with us sleeping close to her she never showed it, and I looked over at Criss to see if he could feel any of her emotions thru his helstromism, but he didn't say anything, so I wriggled back down under the blankets and snuggled as close as I could get to her, and after a few tender kisses I gave her on the cheek I fell asleep. Criss was doing the same thing on the other side of her, then he too fell asleep.

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