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December 15, 2018

I feel so empty.

I'm not sad, but I'm not happy either.

I don't know.. Something's just off. Something's wrong.. Nothing feels right at the moment.

I don't understand myself!!!


I was in my room; alone again. Well, I've learned to get used to it so it's no big deal. But at times like these when I feel so lost, I need someone to help me, and the problem is that I have no one with me. No one to hear me out, no one to understand me, no one to be with me.

It's fine. It'll be fine.

I keep saying it'll be fine even when I know it will never be fine.

But this time,

It really would be.

I just have to hang on for like 16 more days.

So I really don't know how to end stuff..

I think the next chapter would be the last

Lies ‣‣ SoonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now