Wowie I got tagged!

164 5 48

It's my first time to do it hehehe

I'm doing it coz I got tagged by my faves celestialhao and EXOhohoho

Here's what I'm supposed to answer:

10 randoms things about yourself
9 things you do everyday
8 things that annoy you
7 fears/ phobias
6 songs you're addicted to
5 things you can live without
4 books you recommend on WP
3 sayings you have
2 things you wish you could do
1 recent pic of yourself

Lez go and startttt

10 randoms things about yourself

-I realized I'm so into gay stuff (I'm really obsessed yall)

-I'm almost 15 but I don't look like my age (I'm thin asf and short hmp)

-I like to write (journals, poems or some shit, etc)

-I love math and science even if they hate me

-I laugh weirdly (and I hate how ppl judge me for that)

-I actually like to dance (even if I suck)

-I used to force myself to dream of something (like dream of me getting a love life which is so hilarious)

-Often times, it's hard for me to say no

-I'm a shy person but loud to people I trust

-I'm not innocent HAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA some people think I am but in wattpad, you'd see how unholy I am :">

9 things you do everyday

-I eat

-I take a bath

-I brush my teeth

-I sleep

-I talk

-I go to wattpad

-I write this "daily entry"

-Go to social media stuff

-I study (but it's only until May 9 since that's the last day of school!)

8 things that annoy you

-life itself


-getting scolded 😩

-being a failure (esp in school)

-doing so much chores

-being teased

-people making me lower than them (through their judgements)

-not highlighting straight

7 fears/ phobias

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