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Yoongi woke up in the morning and sniffed the lingering scent of sweet vanilla from his boyfriend's clothes, that were now thrown haphazardly across the bed

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Yoongi woke up in the morning and sniffed the lingering scent of sweet vanilla from his boyfriend's clothes, that were now thrown haphazardly across the bed.

The sleepy boy rubbed his eyes and helped himself up. Couple of raspy moans left his mouth as he stretched on the bed. He sat there, dosing off into who knows what.

Until a click from the bathroom door was heard. Yoongi's head snapped towards the sound as a figure slowly entered the room.

Jimin was naked if it wasn't for that towel that thrived to stay on his hips. The said boy entered the room facing backwards, shutting the door slightly and turning on his top toes.

A sharp gasp left Jimin's mouth as he realised who was now awake on his bed. He didn't think Yoongi would wake up now.

'Oh fuck'

Yoongi on the other hand, was just staring. He knew Jimin had a defined figure, but he never thought it would be even better seeing it on his own.

They stared at each other wide eyed for another minute before Yoongi coughed. He turned his head to face the window, his ears painted a faint color of pink.

"So," a cough, "you woke up early?" Yoongi asked.

"Y-Yeah. You should take a shower too."

"Yup, we have a date in..hmmm let's see....twenty minutes!" Yoongi exclaimed, still looking at the window though.

Jimin nodded, starting to pull down the towel. But Yoongi didn't see the nod nor hear an answer, and as an instinct, he turned.

An "oh" from Yoongi sent jimin's head to snap up and look at the mirror, realising what's happening.
Jimin was fast in pulling up his pants though, quickly facing Yoongi through the mirror.

"What did you see?" Jimin glared.

"Nothing really!" Yoongi held up his hands in surrender.

"Ugh, you better not be lying"

"It's not like I'd like seeing your dick and imagine you fucking me" shuffles are heard from the bed sheets when Yoongi started to get off of the bed.

Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes, but his red cheeks gave off his sassy attitude. Yoongi was headed to the bathroom, but before he did, He suddenly stopped behind Jimin and leant into the latter's ear,
"But I didn't say I'd wouldn't like to imagine my dick inside of you"

Jimin didn't have time to reply because Yoongi had already strangled him against the wall. His grip getting tighter with each passing second. Jimin shrieked in pain as he tried to loosen yoongi's grip around his aching skin.

'What's wrong with him? I-is he smirking?'

In fact yes, Yoongi was smirking. A very dark smirk that Jimin only saw once, and he really didn't think he'd see it again so soon.

Smile | Yoonmin (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now