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Jimin couldn't grasp the words namjoon just told him

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Jimin couldn't grasp the words namjoon just told him..

"I-it can't b-be"

Jimin's eyes started tearing up again, turning redder by each passing second. He looked at namjoon and suppressed his sniffs, "how could you do that? Why would you get that drunk? NAMJOON HYUNG JUST WHY?!" Jimin yelled in frustration.

"I-I don't know Jimin, t-things were getting rough at work and I g-got carried away" namjoon stuttered.

"HYUNG YOU, OUT OF ALL PEOPLE, KNOWS WAT FUCKING HAPPENS WHEN YOU DRINK-" Jimin then widened his eyes in disbelief, "I thought you said never again- I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU COULDNT BEAR IT THE LAST TIME! WHAT HAPPENED NOW?!?" Jimin continued yelling at namjoon for answers, but all namjoon was doing was letting his tears of guilt fall down.

Namjoon looked up at Jimin with tears all over his face, "J-Jimin I'm so s-sorry-" he sniffed, "it was really hard, i c-couldn't handle it. I'm s-sorry" he continued weeping. Jimin just hearing every word like muffles, his thoughts starting to eat him alive.

Namjoon stood up, thought his existence was unnecessary after what he's done, and went out to the door to leave. Jimin saw what was happening and knew he would never let namjoon out of that door even if he wanted to punch him right now.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Jimin hissed.

"I'm leaving" namjoon replied, almost inaudible.

"You think you get to still think and take your own actions? No hyung, you're doing what I say, and that is you'll fucking stay with me till I say so." Jimin heavily breathed.

Namjoon nodded slightly And without a word, slowly made his way back to the couch. Jimin got him the blanket, and his pillow and a pack of tissue beside him. He made sure he locked the door and kept the keys with him.

Jimin laid on his bed, feeling his panic attack rising by the second. So he took deep breaths, and after many thoughts, called his boyfriend.

"H-hey y-yoongi" Jimin whispered.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?"

Jimin took in another deep breath and managed to let out "m-min min" before starting to hyperventilate.

"Ok baby I want you to listen to me...tell me the color of your shirt right now?"

"I-I dont k-know.."

"Jimin baby focus, it's ok take your time.."

Jimin tried to focus and open his eyes to see the color of his shirt, and when he finally did, he gulped before saying "y-yellow..." with a very faint voice.

Yoongi cheered for him and continued helping Jimin get rid of his attack and sleep peacefully.


Jimin hasn't stopped thinking about everything since the second he woke up. From bad scenarios to his past to every problem he had. His thoughts were a mess.

Namjoon on the other hand, didn't eat or speak since the day began. Just staring at the ground, recalling every single word Jin and Jimin told him, the words on continuous repetition.

The door bell rang, it was probably noon by now but it was impossible to tell by the closed curtains. Jimin opened the door and fell into yoongi's arms so quick yoongi almost tripped.

Yoongi looked at Jimin to tell him it's time, Jimin nodded In return. They let go of each other's grasp as they went in to tell namjoon to head out with them to see Jin.

He got up and they left, namjoon still as silent as night.


Jimin took a deep breath and held his boyfriend's hands as he pulled on the door nob. Namjoon stayed outside, respecting Jin's wishes to not make his conditions worse.

Jimin gasped a faint gasp as his eyes widened at the sight of his friend wrapped in bandages all over. His hands started shaking and his tears formed in his eyes. Yoongi tightened his grip on Jimin's hands, as a slight unconscious way of reassurance.

Jin turned his head to face them and cracked a broken faint smile, yet genuine towards his friend's arrival. Jimin and Yoongi pulled chairs and sat beside Jin, Jimin still shaking.

"He's a little sensitive to stuff like that" Yoongi started.

"I know, I've known Jimin the most. Oh look how he's grown up and managed to get nice company by his side." Jin smiled.

"Thanks hyun-"

"W-what happened h-hyung? W-what did h-he do to y-you? How could h-he?!?" Jimin broke down.

Jin took his hands and placed it on top of Jimin's, "Jimin, hey listen to me... he wasn't in his right mind and I'm sure he's outside right now."

"But hyung that gives him NO RIGHTS! NO FUCKING RIGHTS TO DO THAT TO YOU!" Jimin cried harder.

"I know it's not an excuse Jimin, and I'm not gonna go back and live with him together in the near future eithe-"

A nurse cut Jin off by telling them his x-ray appointment was now.

Jimin modded and stood up, ready to leave. "B-bye hyung.. p-please get well s-soon"

Jin held Jimin's hands tighter, "I will Jimin come on I'm your great Jin hyung" he cracked a chuckle "but Jimin, don't tell namjoon I said anything.. tell him I didn't wanna talk about it, ok? Please?"

Jimin just cracked a faint smile "sure hyung" and left as the door locked behind him.

Yoongi put his arms around his boyfriend's shoulder and moved him closer to his chest. They stood in front of namjoon and waited for him to stand up.

"H-how is he?"

Jimin just glared at namjoon with his red teary eyes and walked away, leaving namjoon and Yoongi standing alone behind.


The ride back home was full of fiery aura, coming out of no one other than Jimin. He wanted to choke namjoon, slice him into pieces, do anything for what he has done to his hyung.

It was probably namjoon's biggest mistake trying to ask about Jin again. "How's Jin?" Yoongi looked at Jimin as he clenched his jaw so hard and gulped as he looked back at namjoon from the front mirror.
Namjoon got the hint and wanted to make up for it, "i d-don't need answers n-no-"

"NO HYUNG, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU NEED? A FUCKING LIFETIME SENTENCE IN JAIL! HOW COULD YOU? HOW?!? ANSWER ME HYUNG!" Jimin yelled at the top of his lungs, red face and his veins too visible for yoongi's liking.

Yoongi stopped the car and turned to Jimin to try and hold his hands, but his boyfriend just effortlessly moved it away. Jimin turned to have a good look at Namjoon before he so quickly grabbed him by the collar, "YOU MAKE ME SICK TO MY STOMACH! YOU DID IT ONCE AND TWICE AND I GAVE YOU A SHIT TON OF EXCUSES, AND THEN YOU DO IT AGAIN?!? AGAIN?!?"

"J-Jimin I'm sorry" Namjoon tried, at the same time, Yoongi was trying to pull Jimin back, but to his surprise, he felt so weak against Jimin but he couldn't just give up.

Jimin grabbed Namjoon closer to his face that he could feel Namjoon's shaky breath. He stared him dead in the eyes hissing the words,

"How dare you beat him up so bad you break his  rib? You're so lucky I didn't rip you to pieces yet."

A/N: FINALLY UPDATED AHHHHHHH!! Hopefully I'll be more productive 🥰✨💫

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