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"you know what? You're actually right! Maybe, maybe if I just didn't care about what people thought of me, I would have a better life!" I exclaimed

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"you know what? You're actually right! Maybe, maybe if I just didn't care about what people thought of me, I would have a better life!" I exclaimed.

"yup, and that's what I've been trying to tell you all along" he replied.

"I would eat whatever I want, do whatever I want and not give one shit to anyone!" I started clapping my hands, fantasizing about my new future.

"I'm glad you finally got the whole idea right, fuck the people and fuck what they think. Just think of you."

"Thanks, yoongi, I really needed this talk" I smiled.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent. I stared at my knees, fidgeting with my fingers. Until I remembered one situation that made me suddenly fall to the floor while clutching my stomach, trying to regain my breath.

"what's so funny? Would you share whatever it is with me?" he rose an eyebrow, probably thinking I'm insane.

I stopped laughing, more of tried to stop laughing. I sat back up and stared right through his eyes, trying so hard to hold on my laughter, yet I managed to say it "how do you make h-holy wat-ter?" my face started turning red at this point, not being able to hold in my laughter.

"oh wait, you boil the hell o-out of it don't you?!" He started snorting and clapping like a seal as well. The scene was beyond explaining, two guys lying on the floor and choking to death from loss of oxygen.

After about ten minutes, we finally came back to our normal selves and stopped laughing. Panting noises were heard all over the store, making us look at each other.

"that was so fucking lame of a joke" he said.

"Exactly" and yet we both started laughing again. A thought then suddenly crossed my mind.

'this is the moment I was striving to live in for years. Not even hoseok or jungkook made me this happy. Just what are you doing to me Min Yoongi?'

Yoongi then stood up and went to get something from his locker at the store. He came back with the same bag I gave him before I slit my arm...

He came back, slid down by the register beside me and threw the bag straight at my face. When he realised what he had done, he quickly removed the bag and started apologising too many times to count, in which I, of course, forgave him.

"what is this?" I asked.

"the snacks you gave me." he explained.

"bu-" he cut me off by further explanation.

"look, before you say anything, I can't possibly eat all this alone. And as we're hanging out together, why not share?"

"ok I guess, but you should eat a lot, got it?" I threatened.

"yes, Sir" he saluted back.

Yoongi extended his hands, allowing me the honours of opening the bag and picking first. The first thing my eyes landed on where the noodles, I really loved it. It has been a while since I've eaten one too...

I grabbed the noodle cup, giving back the bag with a heartfelt smile. Yoongi then picked up a lollipop, making me stare at him in confusion.

'am I a pig for choosing noodles and not something small?'

"Hey! Before you start asking if you chose something that's too much compared to mine, let me tell you the reason. Which is that I've eaten a total of four noodle cups before you came, so I'm quite full. I'll eat after sometime again, don't you worry." he chuckled.

I just smiled back, nodding my head in understanding. I managed to get up and find the water tank. Getting back under the counter was not easy with a hot noodle cup, but I managed.

Yoongi was eating his lollipop while I was enjoying the 'oh-so-delicious' noodles.

"so jimin, which college are you planning on?" yoongi asked.

"oh, my parents want me to be something big like a doctor or so. So yeah I think that." I shrugged, not really interested on future topics.

"you don't seem like you want it though. I mean, it seems like more to your parent's benefit than it is yours. What do you really want?" he inquired.

I sighed, "well, to be honest, I've always wanted to start a dance school of my own or be a famous choreographer of some kind. But no one is really motivational enough to let me continue my dream, so might as well just drop it." I explained.

"I understand. Parents will just be parents, but I suggest that you continue you're dream even if it's as a part-time job. In fact, you're dream starts here!"

"wait, what!" I raised my brows, waiting for an explanation.

Yoongi then took hold of my hands and helped me get up, still puzzled on what's going on. He then went to his phone and changed the soft and gloomy music to graceful and vivid music. The music came out from the store's speaker so graceful I would've cried.

I then found a hand holding mine. Two glistening eyes looking at me.

"I want you to teach me how to dance."

"wait, here?" I exclaimed.

"right here."

"right now?!"

"right now."

I couldn't believe it. Someone actually wants me to teach them? I've never taught anyone before!

"ok well, uhhh, you just dance to the music with every piece of moving muscle you own." I explained, hoping that he would understand enough.

"wow, very helpful. Bravo, bravo! Can you see me dancing like a famous dancer now? I'm impressed by the power of these words!" he said, showing off his sarcasm.

I just sighed, "hey look, I really only danced alone up to this point, so I don't really know how to explain this."

"ok then, you dance and I watch" he suggested.

"Oh hell no, I'm a shy person when it comes to dancing in front of other people!" I denied.

"ok fine ill try and dance with you" he gestured non-understandable signs with his hands.

"ok then, fine" I pouted with a loud huff.

I then started to listen to the music, blocking out all the sounds from my surroundings. Letting every lyric and melody sink in. My body started moving, going perfectly in sync with every beat. My footsteps moving either rapidly or cautiosly, all controlled by the music.

I didn't know how long I've been dancing, but the song was already over. I heard two hands clapping together. I opened my eyes to find him, clapping with the biggest smile of pure adoration on his face.

"were you watching all this time?" I asked, crossing my arms on my chest.

"yup! But damn, music really does make you forget. And I'm not only talking about emotions, in this case, physical surroundings too"

But before i got to reply to him, the store door opened and a familiar silhouette walked in.

"yoongi? Jimin? What the hell are you two doing together at this hour?"

A/N: hey guyyss!! So i guess this chapter is pretty much the happiest of all. I've been feeling good this past week and i thought i'd share it through this chapter. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻

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