Good 'Ol Betsy

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We've been walking through the woods for about an hour now and the silence is killing me. We haven't said a word since we started walking. The only sound being my heavy footsteps crunching on the leaves and the occasional twig snapping. One would think that Bucky would be making more noise considering he's much bigger than me, but that guy has footsteps like a mouse. It's honestly quite impressive. I'm surprised I even heard him walking in the first place.

"Why did you call me Sebastian? Is that my name?" Bucky speaks for the first time in what feels like forever.

"Oh, I forgot I said that. It's not your name... sorry if I confused you. Your name is James Buchanan Barnes, but your friends call you Bucky." I explain.

"Ok." He says, seminlgy done talking. I internely sigh. I really hope he's not this quiet the whole time. Obviously I understand he's confused but so am I. I know that sounds selfish but I was literally just transported into another dimension that I know is basically doomed. If only this happened after the second part of infinity war maybe I would know what to do. Maybe if I find Dr. Strange he could help. Is he a wizard yet? The marvel timeline has always been kinda confusing to me.

"Who is Sebastian? Is he like your boyfriend or something?" He asks.

I screw up my face and let out a long hard laugh. "Ha! Yeah, I wish!" I say and Bucky gives me a funny look. "I mean no. No he's not. H-He's an actor."

Bucky nods. "What's your name?" He asks.

Hmm. That's a good question? Do I just tell him my name? Or should I come up with a new one? New dimension, new me. Am I right? "What do I look like to you?" I ask.

Bucky furrows his brows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean what name do I look like. Do I look like a Grace, a Sophia, a-"

"Adeline." Bucky interrupts before I can go on. "You look like a Adeline." He says with a bit of a smile.

"Adeline." I repeat slowly, testing out the name. "Hmm... I like it! What about a last name?"

"I don't know. Why does it matter?" He asks.

"Well we need to make new identities don't we? Might as well have a cool name."

"Ok... what about smith?" He suggests.

"Eh, too boring."

"Adeline Wild?" He try's again.

"Getting better." I affirm.

"How about Rose?"

I look over to see Bucky staring at a freshly cut rose bush. That's strange, why would someone be tending to a rose bush in the forest.

Wait a second.

I look around and notice we've come upon a park. It looks to be realitivly large, surrounded by forest on our side and large buildings on the rest. I think I even see a Gap store, which is perfect because Bucky is going to gain a lot of attention if he doesn't change.

"Adeline Rose...sweet, seductive, I like it!" I smile at him. "Hey before we go any further you should probably change into something a little less conspicuous." I motion to his current uniform. "I'll go to one of those stores and bring something back for you. After that you can decide how we get to the Big Apple." I explain.

Bucky nods. "Alright."

I take a few steps before pausing and turning back to him. "Just... promise not to leave, okay? I- I don't know where I am and I don't have anyone else or any other place to go to."

"I promise."

I turn to leave again but Buckys voice calls out to me one more time.

"You might want to get some new clothes for yourself too. Something a little less..." He gestures his hand in the air. "... flashy."

Siren Song ~ A Bucky Barnes storyWhere stories live. Discover now