He's back

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Strange had waited two whole days before texting him about Adeline.

He left D.C. the moment he received the message not even bothering to text back.

Adeline had ran into Steve two nights ago and went to Strange asking questions. Now she was in a coma and  Bucky felt so stupid. He never should have left his best gal.

Bucky arrived at the sanctum, wasting no time to pound his metal first into the door, over and over without pausing until someone finally opened it. He narrowly misses hitting the doctor in the face as the door swings open, which to be honest, he wanted to do anyway.

Bucky doesn't wait for an invitation, he immediately shoves past the doctor, blue eyes already searching his surroundings.

"Where is she?" He bites out, voice cold and hard.


Meanwhile, in Adeline's mind~

The summer of 1930




It was 9pm and young Adeline was starving. She had been practicing 'ballet' nearly all day and her mother was refusing to let her eat dinner until she got the move exactly right.

"Ma, povyazka zudit." (Ma, the blindfold is itchy.) The girl complains, scratching her eyes behind the rough black fabric.

You see, Adeline's mother had instructed her to grand jeté into a wood board she was holding and break it with her kick, while blindfolded. And she was meant to do it successfully, 20 times in a row.

Adeline's mother shakes her head. "YA ispytyval zud ot vsekh ukusov nasekomykh, kotorykh ya pokryval vo vremya moyey missii v Amazonke. no ostanovilo li eto moyu missiyu? Net! Teper' idi snova." (I was itchy from all the bug bites I was covered in during my mission in the amazon. But did that stop my from my mission? No! Now go again.)

Adeline took a deep breath, listening for the sounds of her mother's breathing and the steady beat of her heart. Once Adeline located her mothers position in the room she took a few steps back preparing herself to run. She takes off in a few leaps before doing a grand jeté right into the board her mother is holding, kicking straight up and breaking the board in half.

Addies mother smiles down at her daughter with pride, softly lifting the blindfold from Adeline's face.

"Ochen' khorosho, moy rebenok." (Very good my child.)


Present day~

Bucky enters a small room decorated in a traditional Japanese fashion. In the middle of the room on a bed lies Adeline. His hardface softens as he looks at her pale face. In just three steps he is by her side both metal and flesh hand caressing her face and hair. Her hair greased down at the roots and make up smudged underneath her eyes. Even in this state, he still finds her to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

She is still dressed in the same red dress from the night she went in today, neither Stephen nor Wong dared to change her, worried how the Winter Solider might react.

Siren Song ~ A Bucky Barnes storyWhere stories live. Discover now