Getting to Know You

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Just as the Doctor promised, my bike was outside the apartment, parked by the sidewalk.

I give her a quick look over to check for damage and find none. I do, however, find a note taped to the handlebars.

Dear Adeline,

Once again I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience. Had I known you were with Sargent Barnes I would have not forced you both through a portal. To make up for it I have placed a protection spell over your apartment so that no unwanted members may enter. I hope there is no bad blood between us. Also, I want to remind you to be carful around Barnes. He may seem fine on the outside but there is a storm brewing in his mind. If anyone can help him it's you. If you are ever in need of assistance please send me a message on one of phones I have placed in the side-bag of your bike. My number is already programmed into it, and yes, there is a phone in there for Barnes as well. Good luck teaching him to use it.


Dr. Stephen Strange

I crumple up the note and shove it into my pocket before taking a peak inside the bag. Sure enough, there are two phones, very similar to the design of the Iphone.

As happy as I am to have a phone again I can't help but be slightly suspicious. I don't know why he's being so helpful. I know he's one of the good guys but never in the movies did he come across as someone that was nice just for the sake of being nice.

I'm probably just overthinking it. Besides, I have erans to run.


So... I may have over bought.

Now that I know the apartment is a definite safe place to stay, as well as knowing we may be here awhile due to our lack of passports, I thought I might as well buy I few extra things for the apartment.

I made the obvious purchases first, cleaning supplies, bed linens, etc. As well as buying some basic foods, and a burger, fries, and a chocolate shake for Bucky too. I also got a small fry and strawberry shake for myself.

Well that's what I got originally, then I thought fuck the model diet, I'm not going to be modeling anytime soon, then proceeded to go back in and get myself a cheeseburger.

Thankfully they have Shake Shack in this universe.

After that is when my spending got a little... let's say... unnecessary.

It started after I past a leather store. The door was open, letting the smell of new leather flow out. The smell is what drew me closer, what made me go in was the leather gloves I saw in the window. I tried to rationalize with my self that I was only going in to buy some gloves for Bucky. I mean he does need them. He can't really go walking around without fully covering his metal arm.

Once inside the store I found two leather bound journals. I decided to get one for me to use as a dream journal, and the other so Bucky can keep track of his memories. I was about to check out when I saw the most beautiful leather jacket I had ever laid eyes on.

I really shouldn't have bought it. It was expensive and I already had one. But Bucky gave me all this money and I need new clothes anyway, so I thought, what the hell!

I ended up leaving the store with a pair of leather gloves, two journals, a black leather jacket, AND a red leather jacket, as well as a jacket for Bucky.

Seriously, I have almost no self control when it comes to shopping.

And that store wasn't the end of it.

When I finished my shopping trip I had not only bought a whole new wardrobe for both Bucky and I, I also bought a few gallons of light grey paint, a white and blue patterned area rug, white curtains, wood stain, and a fucking power sander.

Siren Song ~ A Bucky Barnes storyWhere stories live. Discover now