The Morning After

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In the morning he was gone.

I would like to say he left without a trace, it would sound more poetic, but it just isn't the truth.

The whole apartment still had his scent lingering in the air, and the majority of his clothing left in the closet. The broom was still left broken on the floor, laying in splinters, and a dent was left where his fist had connected to the door.

I walk around the apartment, running my fingers over the dents in the door, surveying the damage.

Suddenly I hear my phone ding, alerting me I had received a text. I quickly pad over to its place on the counter, hoping the message would be from Bucky, and it was.

However it was not the message I wanted to hear.

Dear Adeline,

First of all i'd like to apologize for last night, as well as for leaving. However I believe it's in your best interest that I go, so I can insure your safety. Please don't blame yourself for this... I need to go find myself... to remember who I am. I promise I will come back when I can be sure it is safe for you to be around me.

Stay safe.

From yours truly,

Bucky Barnes

I chuckle a little at first, finding it amusing that he sent me a text in letter format.

But eventually my chuckle turns into a soft cry, and soon after I have angry tears running down my cheeks.

I slam my phone back down on the counter.

"Are you kidding me!! You promise to come back? You also promised not to leave but here I am! All alone!" I yell, screaming to no one but myself.

After that I totally lose it. Taking the broken ends of the broom and slamming it into the door. Over and over again, until the wood is in pieces.

He left me! With no one! I'm in a doomed world I'm not familiar with, with absolutely no one!!

I'm completely. Fucking. Alone!

I let out a frustrated scream as I slam my fist into the door. A dent left in its place.

Wait... what?

How the fuck did I put a dent in a METAL door? That doesn't make any sense.

Quit frankly, none of this makes any fucking sense!!

The healing, the strength, that fact that I'm in a fucking alternate dimension!!

I begin hyperventilating as my thoughts continue to race, unable to calm myself down.

'Get ahold of yourself soldier!'

I jump, startled by the voice.

"What?" I call out. "Who said that? Who's there?!" I spin around, eyes frantically searching the apartment.

'Me, dumbass! I right fucking here!'

"Where? I don't see you."

'I'm in your head, idiot.'

Huh? In my head? That doesn't make sense, I'm not a crazy person, I don't hear voices.

'Well you're hearing one now, and you heard me last night too!'

I shakily walk over to the couch and sit down, taking a deep breath.

"Who are you?" I ask.

'I'm you... for the most part. And you don't need to speak out loud for me to hear you, I'm in your head'

Siren Song ~ A Bucky Barnes storyWhere stories live. Discover now