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I'm sorry.

That's the only response I had gotten from Bucky.

After that he didn't answer any more of my texts, or any of my calls.

It's been 3 weeks since he left, and for the majority of those 3 weeks I've been wallowing around in self pity. I just kept replying the night over and over in my head, thinking of how I could have done it differently.

It was the Wednesday of the second week that the voice finally spoke to me again, telling me to get off my ass and go see Strange. She doesn't talk much, the only times she seems to speak is when she wants me to do something.

When I finally did go to see Strange, he wasn't there. Wong was the one who answered the door, only to tell me that Stephen was attending to a potentially 'world ending' crisis. I knew he was lying because Stephen gave me the same excuse a week before.

Thankfully Wong was nice enough to take me out for Tea and try and answer some of my questions. He honestly wasn't really sure what to think of my newfound 'abilities'. He agreed it could have something to do with the bracelets but he couldn't say for sure do to the fact that there was absolutely nothing written about them, and barely anything written about Atlantis.

Surprisingly, I didn't mind. Wong was good company and he even helped me realize that it's not my fault that Bucky left.

Wong and I are scheduled to get Tea again next week.

I've also been hanging out with Peter more. Especially now that I moved on from the whole Winter Soldier incident.

Well, maybe I shouldn't say moved on, I've simply gone from being sad to being aggravated. I was done crying over someone who clearly didn't care that much for me.

I still haven't told Peter the truth yet, I've been waiting for the right moment. Apparently that moment would be coming sooner than I thought...

The distant sound of sirens and car horns echo down the dark streets as Peter and I walk around Brooklyn. We had just gone to see the 'new' Suicide Squad movie. I tried to convince Peter not to get too excited for it, not wanting him to be as disappointed as I was when I had seen it back in my own world. Unfortunately, he was still let down. Though he did enjoy seeing some of his favorite comic book characters in live-action.

After the movie we went to get ice cream at Ample Hills Creamery. I was happy to find that one of my favorite ice cream places exists in this world too.

"I still can believe how much that movie sucked." Peter complains. "The trailers made it look so cool!"

"I know, pal, I know." I console him, gently patting his shoulder. "But hey, at least we got ice cream!" I cheer, talking a lick of from my double scoop cone of Golden Door, the taste of cannoli filling and Irish dark chocolate whisky cake dancing on my tongue.

Peter nods in agreement, taking another taste of his own. "We definitely need to go again. I think Munchies is my new favorite flavor."

We continue to walk as we eat our ice cream. Peter always insisted on walking me home, he was surprisingly assertive when it came to protecting his friends. Of course I never actually let him walk me home, I thought it would be better for him to not know where I live Incase HYDRA or someone ever found out we were friends and tried to get information for him. So I always had him drop me off at a random apartment a few blocks away.

"You know what?" Peter speaks, breaking the silence. "You kinda remind me of Harley Quinn."

I quirk a brow. "In what way?"

Siren Song ~ A Bucky Barnes storyWhere stories live. Discover now