Don't Walk Down an Alley at Night

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We rode the Cyclone 3 more times after that. As well as various other rides. I even convinced Bucky to play a few carnival games! Now, I know these games are always rigged to make it near impossible, but I thought Bucky being a super solider would give us an advantage, and it did.

Bucky won every single game, and he had enjoyed beating the rigged games so much, that he made us do almost every one! We were left with way more prizes than we could carry, so, being nice person I am I decided to give the prizes to random kids around the park. I kept one for myself, of course. It was just to cute to give away, a small stuffed bear dressed as Captain America. I referred to him as Captain Abearica.

The last game we did was the strength test game. You know, the one with the giant hammer. Needless to say Bucky broke the machine and we quickly ran off laughing before we could be yelled at.

Which brings us to where we are now, sitting at a picnic table surrounded by an abundance of carnival foods. Including Nathan's famous hot dogs, nachos, funnel cake, Cotten candy, and two frozen lemonades.

I look at Bucky who is currently gulping down the cold drink. "You might want to slow down Buck. You're going to get brain freeze."

For some reason, Bucky finds this comment hilarious and let's put a long laugh.

"What so funny?" I quirk my brow, not understanding the joke.

"Thanks for the concern doll, but I've literally spent years of my life in what is basically a glorified freezer. I don't think a little slushy is going to hurt me." He reminds me, going back to chugging down his drink.

I shrug my shoulders, taking the last bite of my hot dog. I'm surprised he's able to joke about what happened to him so soon after everything. Maybe it's his coping mechanism? But he makes a good point. At least I thought he did until I look over to see him clutching his head in pain.

"What's wrong?" I ask, trying to stifle my laugh.

He just shakes his head and grumbles. "Brain freeze."

As soon as he admits it, I start to cackle, ignoring the death glare he's giving me.

"I told-" I begin to taunt him but Bucky cuts me off.

"I swear you better not say I told you so."


The sun had begun to set by the time we had finished eating, but we decided to go on one last ride before we left. The Ferris wheel.

As we reached the top of the wheel I cast my gaze over the city. The sky danced with colors as the pink and orange sunset faded into the purpley night sky.

Today was better than I could have hoped for. Bucky and I have been laughing and joking with each other the whole day. He was charming and funny, much like the man he was described as before the war. And as much as I hate to admit it, due to the fact that it would most likely never work, I was falling for him.

Though in the back of my mind, the words from Doctor Strange's note replay on loop.

'He may seem fine on the outside, but there is a storm brewing in his mind.'

But why would Bucky go through the trouble of hiding behind a mask of happiness? It's not like he feels he owns it to me, I barley know him! Perhaps he's still unable to remember many of the bad memories. If so, I can only hope it stays that way. For his sake.

"Sure is beautiful, isn't it?" I sigh in contentment, continuing to stare out at the New York skyline.

Bucky hums in agreement. "It sure is." He responds, though unbeknownst to me, I was the one he was watching as he spoke.

Siren Song ~ A Bucky Barnes storyWhere stories live. Discover now