Coney Island

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Leaving Bucky on the couch, I walk back to the room to get ready.

I open the closet and begin to scan through my new abundance of clothes.
Deciding on a pair of light-wash boyfriend jeans and a tan long sleeved top. That will look cute, right? I guess I shouldn't really be worrying about how I look while technically being on the run with a former brainwashed assassin, but I can't help it. I like to look good, sue me!

I grab a black Adidas baseball cap from the closet and place it on my head before moving on to my makeup. I keep it simple, going with my typical look of a small wing and nude lip. I know I have some time when I hear the sound of the shower turn on.

Once I finish my look, I slip on a pair of white sneakers and decide on a bag. Not that I bought a lot... just a few, I swear.

I pick up a black fanny pack and secure it around my waist.

Now, I know what you're thinking. A fanny pack? Really? But trust me, it actually looks pretty cool. Not to mention the fact that it's incredibly convenient and keeps my money in a place that pick-pockets won't be able to steal from without my noticing. It's really the perfect bag for Coney Island.

I turn and leave the room, opening the door and running straight into a wall of solid abs. In front of me stands Bucky, completely bare except for the towel hanging around his hips. His hair is damp and his body is covered in tiny glistening droplets of water.

I'm embarrassed to say I stared at his abs a good several seconds before looking up to face him.

"Sorry I-"

"Don't worry about it."

We both speak as we awkwardly shuffle to move past each other.

As soon as I'm out of the room and the door closes behind him I sigh, letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

Damn, he is fine.


When Bucky came out he was dressed in a deliciously fitting dark blue long sleeved shirt, jeans, and a leather jacket. A long with gloves and a baseball cap of course.

The trip to Coney Island was fairly easy, minus a few minor hiccups. Bucky was doing great at first, despite the crowds, though I could tell he was getting anxious once we went underground to go on the subway. (I would have taken Betsy but she was out of fuel) His posture was stiff, like he was ready to fight at a moments notice. He was also very fidgety, constantly tapping his fingers on his pant leg and frequently glancing around.

It became worse once we got on the train. It was rush hour so people were packed in tight. There was barely enough room to wiggle. My body was pressed up against Bucky, close enough to hear his heavy breathing despite all the noise. His breathing became faster and I could have sworn I heard his heart hammering in his chest.

Damn it, I'm and idiot.

He's probably claustrophobic, it wouldn't surprise me considering he spent a considerable amount of time in a small cryo chamber. Not to mention he no doubt isn't fully comfortable around people yet.

When I heard the sound of metal bending, I looked up to the pole the Bucky was holding onto. I watched as his left hand griped it so hard that the metal bent inward, leaving small dents.
In an effort to comfort him I reached up and placed my hand over his, rubbing my fingers over his gloved knuckles.

He looked down at me and I met his gaze. His blue eyes tense and frantic. I squeezed his hand and gave him a look of reassurance. I took my other hand and rubbed it up and down his right arm soothingly. Getting up on my tiptoes and leaning in to his ear, I whispered to him. "You're safe Buck. It's just you and me. Ignore everyone else and focus on me. Ok? We only have one more stop, then we'll be at Coney Island. And we're gonna get hot dogs and cotton candy and we're gonna ride the Cyclone. Preferably not in that order. Unless you want to get sick." I joked.

Siren Song ~ A Bucky Barnes storyWhere stories live. Discover now