A Strange Encounter

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We cruise down the quiet street in the dark of night. The light breeze brushing across my skin and through my hair.

Unfortunately it's been flowing through Buckys hair as well, causing it to constantly whip me in the face for half the drive. That is, until we pulled into a gas station to refill the tank and I went in and bought a pack of ponytails.

The ride has been much more pleasant with buckys hair pulled up.

I'm not sure how long we've been riding but I know it's been awhile do to Bucky asking me multiple times if I need to stop and rest, but I assured him I wasn't tired. Which is strange because I'm pretty sure it's the middle of the night. I must be suffering from some weird alternate- dimension jet lag.

We haven't talked for most of the ride but I didn't mind it this time, the quiet giving me time to get lost in my own thoughts. I've been trying to fathom how this could have possibly happened, but I have come up with nothing. Also I can't decide whether I should tell Bucky my knowledge of the future or keep quite. I always told myself that if I could time travel that I would never do it. I know that messing with the past can cause worse things to happen in the future. But am I in the past? I think it's technically the present in this dimension. I should really try to find Dr. Strange and ask him. He is the keeper of the time stone after all. But where would I find him? I know the address was in Thor: Ragnorok but I can't remember it for the life of me.

"Uhh, Adeline." Bucky call to me without turning around.

"Yeah?" I question.

"What the hell is that?" He asks with nervousness present in his voice.

I cran my neck to look over his broad shoulders. Not 50 feet in front of us is small portal with firey orange sparks circling around it.

Well speak of the devil.

"Bucky you might want to- SLOW DOWN!" I warn but it's to late. We go speeding though the portal, straight into a large glass display, crashing into it and causing glass to shatter all around us.

I quickly recognize the room to be the chamber of relics from the Dr. Strange movie. I pull myself up to my feet and brush off the shards of glass. That's when I notice the red cloaked figure standing before me.

Bucky pulls himself from the ground, immediately stomping over to the doctor with his fist clenched. Strange senses the danger and disappears in a flash. Just in time for Buckys fist to meet the air. I sense the doctors presence behind me. Bucky moves again for the doctor but I stop him, gently placing my hand around his still clenched fist and looking him in the eyes.

Ah those beautiful eyes. I'll never get tired of starring at those.

"It's ok Bucky, I got this." I reassure him. Bucky keeps his tense stance but takes a step away.

I spin around to face the doctor.

"Hello, my name is doctor-"

But before he can finish he's met with a fist to the face. My fist, to be exact.

His head whips to the side as he lets out a pained howl. "What the hell was that for?!" He screams at me.

"THAT, was for causing us to crash Betsy, and for forcing Bucky through a freaking portal while he's in such a fragile state, you inconsiderate douche!" I bite back.

Did I mention I have a bad temper?

Bucky frowns in confusion, obviously not agreeing with me calling him fragile but I pay him no mind. Taking a few deep breaths I try and calm myself down. Strange cradles his face, placing a tentative finger to his now bloody nose. "What are you, another super solider? Geez I think you broke my nose."

Siren Song ~ A Bucky Barnes storyWhere stories live. Discover now