The Storm

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Bucky had been right. A storm did come...

And it was one hell of a storm.

The wind was howling, blowing the rain harshly against the windows. Every drop against the glass sounding like small pebbles being thrown at the window.

Despite sleeping in the bed (though I tried to convince Bucky we should take turns) I couldn't get comfortable. I was on edge, the sound of lightning zapping through the air every few minutes keeping me awake.

I've always hated lightning. When I was a kid I would hide under my bed during storms, and though I may not be as scared as I used to be, I surely felt uneasy.

It also didn't help that I was once again woken by Bucky screaming.

I shoot up from the bed as a blood curdling scream rings through the air, making my hair stand on end. Despite the shout sounding even more pained than last time, I don't bring a weapon, knowing Bucky's probably just having another nightmare.

I dash out of the room, making a sharp turn around the hall and bound over to the couch.

"Stop!!! Don't you fucking touch her I swear!!!"

I bend down level with Bucky, shaking him roughly in effort to rouse him from his slumber. "Wake up Buck! Everything's ok, your just dreaming!"

"You're hurting her! Stop! Please, I'll do anything!"

If only he wasn't screaming so loud, I would just sing to him like I did the other night.

To make things worse, he's seems to be frantically scratching the skin right above his metal arm. Nails digging into his scared flesh, leaving trails of blood.

"BUCKY!!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

Buckys eyes shoot open, wide, frantic, and filled with tears. His gazes searching the room quickly, trying to remember where he is.

I softly place my hands on both sides of his face, making him look into my eyes.

"It's ok Bucky. It's just us. We're safe." I assure him, lightly brushing away a tear with my thumb.

Bucky shakes his head slightly. "I-I thought they killed you." He breaths out shakily, relief washing over his face.

I want to question him. Who did he think had killed me? HYDRA? Why was he dreaming about me in the first place? Though I'm more concerned about his bleeding shoulder at the moment.

I gently take his flesh hand and place it over my heart. "Can you feel that? My heart is still beating... And as long as it's beating, I swear, I will never let them hurt you again."

In reality, if hydra ever did come I doubt there would be much I could do. But in this moment I decided that I would do everything in my power to keep this man from ever having to feel that pain again.

"Come on Bucky." I sigh, pulling him up from his seat. "Let's get you cleaned up." Bucky nods, letting me guide him into the bathroom and sitting him down on the edge of the tub. I motion for him to raise his arms as I strip him of his shirt.

"Does it hurt?" I ask, taking a moment to inspect the wounds, which seem to have already healed up for the most part.

"I've had worse." He shrugs, refusing to look at me.

I nod and go to grab a soft washcloth, wetting it in the sink with cool water.

Moving back over to Bucky I take a seat on the closed toilet lid beside him. Bringing the washcloth to his shoulder I begin to wipe away the dried blood. It's at this moment I realize that he's still crying, silent heavy tears flowing from his eyes. It makes my heart ache to see him like this, such a strong, kind man feeling absolutely defeated.

Siren Song ~ A Bucky Barnes storyWhere stories live. Discover now