The Fire

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Her fever is spiking!"

"What's her temperature?"


"Damn it!" Bucky shouts, slamming his fist into the wooden bedside table. The old wood easily breaking from his strength.

Dr. Strange turns to him. "If you can't stay calm I'm going to have to ask you to leave." He says to Bucky in a huff as he lays another cold towel over Adeline's heated skin.

"There is no way in hell that I'm leaving her side." Bucky bites out.

"That's ironic considering that's what you did." Strange quips back. Bucky lunges at him, only to be stopped by Wong.

"Both of you need to stop! Adeline could die and all you two can do is bicker!"

They both look away, the gravity of the situation finally weighing on them. Bucky swallows thickly as a warm tear rolls down his cheek. He won't lose her again, he refuses to.


Spring 1931

Thick plumes of black smoke fill the air of the small townhouse as well as the lungs of a young sleeping Adeline.

The small girl abruptly wakes, coughing and sputtering as she feels the smoke fill her lungs. She rips back the covers of her small single bed and hops to the floor, eyes wide as she takes In the sight before her. The house was on fire, and her room would soon be totally cover by flames.

Act fast she sprints out of her room, only stoping to grab her stuffed teddy bear and slip on a pair of house slippers.

She runs immediately to her parents room, calling out to them.

"Ma! Pa! The house is on fire!" She shouts in-between coughs.

When she gets to there room she is surprised to find they are already awake siting together in an embrace. Adeline's mother looks up at her, eyes watering.

"It's time my sweet girl." She tells her daughter, briefly stepping away from her husband to pull her daughter to them.

Young Addie tears up at seeing her mother cry. "What are you talking about Ma? We got to get outta here!"

Her mother smiles sadly, bringing her daughter into a hug between both mother and father.

"Honey," Adeline's father chokes out. "remember how your mother told you about the bad men, and how they may come for us one day?"

Adeline shakes her head. "I don't understand."

Adeline's mother sighs. "That day is today my malen'kaya sirena."

Addie refuses to believe it."Mama no! No this can't be it!" She argues. "Come on! We need to leave!" She begs frantically, pulling at her parents hands.

All of the sudden, the sounds of men yelling in Russian are heard from the front door. "Skol'ko ikh tam?" "Tol'ko dva. Boss govorit, chtoby dat' kazhdomu pulyu v golovu, a zatem raspolozhit' ikh, kak oni spali v ogne."

Adeline mother bends down, holding her daughters face between her hands. "It's time to go Adeline. You need to run. Go to the Barnes or the Rogers, I know they will take care of you."

"No! Not without the both of you!" Adeline yells in a hushed tone.

The girls mother shakes her head. "They are never going to stop coming for me sweetheart. This is the only way to keep you safe. Now go, and speak nothing of the men that came!" She commands her daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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