Be Mine?

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A/N: Adeline is currently in a coma after blacking out in the last chapter. The next few chapters will consist of here reliving some of her memories while unconscious. I'm doing this so you as the reader can have a better idea of Addies history and so you will know what she remembers when she wakes up :)

September 1st, 1925
Adeline's first day of 1st grade.

It's a warm, breezy day in the city, the birds are singing and the streets are busy. A young girl with blonde pigtails trots down the sidewalk, holding hands with a tall red haired woman. It was clear to see they were mother and daughter. Even from a young age, Adeline was the spiting image of her mother. The only difference was her blonde hair, she had gotten that from her father.

The pair was currently on their way to Adeline's first day of public school. To say the young girl was excited would be an understatement. She was absolutely electrified, practically dancing down the sidewalk. Adeline was so excited of the prospect of friends. She had never had any real friends besides her parents. Her mother was very protective of her and rarely let her play with the kids on her block. Though you couldn't really blame her, she'd be crazy not to be cautious after everything she had been through.

Annas harsh and abusive upbringing made her into a stern, slightly cold, woman. Though she did love Adeline, even more than her husband. Little Addie was her bright, shining star. She was pure and innocent. But she was also feisty and had a strange sense of humor that both her parents found to be delightful.

Her mother wishes she could hide her away forever, keep her safe from the evil ways of the world, but she knew that was only a dream. Which is why her mother trained her to be able to take care of herself. Just how the Red Room trained her. For the most part, she had only taught her ballet, that, and her native tongue of Russian. But Anna knew she would have to begin teaching her how to fight sooner rather than later.

The soft sound of children laughing grows louder as the two approach the playground by the school. It was a small playground, just a slide, monkey bars, and a see-saw, but it was the biggest Adeline had ever seen! She was about to run off and play, temporarily forgetting about her mother when she feels a small tug on her hand.

"Adeline." Her mother speaks. "Ne zabud'te vstretit' menya zdes', kak tol'ko zakonchitsya shkola (Do not forget to meet me here as soon as school is over.)" She reminds the young girl in Russian.

"Da Mama." The young girl responds, running off to play immediately after.

Her mother sighs as she smiles, soon leaving the girl to her own devices.

Not long after Adeline's mother left, a group of three boys came up to her, two brunettes and a ginger boy.

"Who are you?" The freckle faced boy asked her.
Adeline smiles, dropping down from the monkey bars. "I'm Adeline! Wanna be my friend?" She asks warmly.

The three boys just stare at her suspiciously.
"What was those funny words you was saying with that lady?" The ginger, who appeared to be the ringleader asks.

"You mean my Ma?" Addie asks, beginning to grow uncomfortable from their intense stares. "I was speaking Russian."

"So you're a commie?" One of the dark haired boys accused.

Adeline shook her head fervently. "No I'm not!" She defended.

The boys didn't listen. "Commies ain't allowed on our playground. You got to leave." The ginger boy demands.

"You can't tell me what to do. This ain't your park!" Adeline yells in frustration.

"Oh yeah?" The boy counters.

Siren Song ~ A Bucky Barnes storyWhere stories live. Discover now