How To Be Famous On Wattpad: Part 1

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*I've had so many glitches with uploading this part its ridiculous. Im starting from scratch this time on my computer and hopefully it will work. I dont know if it was a mobile glitch or a wattpad glitch but wattpad needs to fix it. sorry if im bothering you and you already read this, i just wanted to fix it. hopefully it will werk*

There's been multiple occasions where I have looked at the amount of votes and reads of a book and just had so many questions.

"How did this book get 100K reads?"

"Who gave this person 10K votes on this story?"

"Why does this person have more reads on this story than all of mine combined?"

^ I know, I'm pretty concieted, but I have my reasons. Sometimes I will read some of these stories with 100K reads, and I will notice a trend with them. It's pretty simple with how these people get all the reads and votes, and it pretty much takes no effort.

I seriously think that either people on here don't know what good writing is, or that everyone just pretends to like the book, because really these types of books are on a lower scale than Fifty Shades of Grey. YES, THERE ARE BOOKS WORSE THAN FIFTY SHADES OF GREY, YOU CAN FIND THEM HERE ON WATTPAD.

So without further ado, here's some tips on how to get many reads with little effort:

1. Update every day, or even twice. How do you achieve this when you have very little time? All you have to do is barely write at all. Write like one paragraph, two if you have enough pity for your followers.

2. If you wanna make it seem like you write more than you actually do,

just write each sentence out like this!


Look at how much room you are taking!

How smart of you, trying to trick your readers like that!

3. Don't do any research at all. You're not too sure about the difference between anorexia and bulimia? Eh, don't worry about it, just write what you think it is, it's not like you're going to offend anyone.

4. Put as much creepy shit in there. Incest, sex abuse, smut, MPregs, make the whole story about that and don't provide an explanation about how any of it happened.

Do all of that and you might be able to get your books up to 100K reads or more!!!!111!!!!!1111!!!

I personally don't care what you write your fanfictions about, if writing about sex makes you happy then fine. It's just that most of the books I read have sex, incest, MPreg, and other stuff and they don't really explain what is happening. How did that man get preggers? Why did this ultra mega popstar want to rape one of his fans? Why did that girl have sex with her sister? I don't understand. Please explain it. It's one thing if the book doesn't have many reads, but if it has a significant amount of reads I'm going to get slightly annoyed because that means people on this site are okay with this kind of stuff.

And remember, there's a difference between fanfictions/ aus and things that only happen in that creepy little mind of yours!

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