How To Become HAPPY On Wattpad

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*it's ironic that im writing how to be happy on wattpad when rly rn im pissed bc wattpad deleted this chapter and im super frustrated like tf wattpad*

When people first start on Wattpad, or on any website, the first question they sometimes ask themselves is "how do I become popular?"

I'm here to tell you that I've been observing some shit, and popularity =/= happiness.

Sorry to burst your bubble if you thought that.

Some popular people on Wattpad are I guess "one hit wonders." They write one thing that everyone loves, but then their followers only care about that one thing. Sometimes people follow you because you did one of those "trends" or whatever. I feel kind of bad for the "one hit wonders" who had a brilliant idea that everyone loved but then after that thing happened people lost interest. Then there's the people who follow popular trends, get popular for a second, then the trend dies out, and then they're like "oh no where did all my followers go." Meh. Not as much sympathy for them.

Being popular on Wattpad won't make you happy. It won't. Okay, maybe it will if you think like that, but sometimes it won't.

There's some popular people with like thousands of followers who just seem straight up sad. It's sad to look at their profile. It's sad. Especially the fake people who cheated their ways to get followers. Then those fake people would try so many different ways for people to love them and give them attention, and it's just sad to be honest.

Sometimes I see really popular people beg for their followers to talk to them. Then none of the followers talk to them. I kind of feel bad to be honest. Even if the really popular person faked their way into popularity.

So now I'm just going to give you a simple tip on how to become happy while on here. Believe me, there's a lot of shit on here. A lot. But it can be fun if you do it right. Work through the shit or something. Like you're in a big pile of poo and you have to escape. Escape the poo.

An obvious tip would be "just write all the time, that's what Wattpad is all about." I'm not here to point out the obvious. But do that anyway if you didn't figure that out.

The secret to being happy on Wattpad, also in real life, is NOT GIVING A SHIT ABOUT USELESS THINGS. DON'T. GIVE. A. SHIT. The only thing you should care about on Wattpad is the followers that you have and your books. That's it. Be nice to your followers. Talk to them. Make friends. Do all that stuff. Be yourself. Don't care what people think about you. Take pride in your work. Take pride in everything on your profile.

That's about it. It's pretty simple.

There was a time when I gave a shit. I gave a shit if people had two more followers than me, or five more votes than me. I wasn't that happy at that time. But then I started caring less, I stopped looking at the amount of followers that people had or whatever.

Just stop. Don't care. Let it be. The less you care about those silly things, the more happier you are. If you put more effort into your work than trying to get popular, then you may get popular AND happy.

Also, do me a favor please. If someone seems down, or they want to talk or something, just let them know you're here. Let them know you exist. Make other people's experience on here enjoyable too. It won't kill you. And if you ever do want to talk, we can always have a nice chat, you and me. Just ask my friends, I'm not THAT much of an asshole. Also sorry if I don't respond right away. Or don't respond for a couple of days. It's nothing personal, it's just that sometimes I don't know what to say or I'm lazy.

Okay, I'm done now. Go be happy. Go stop giving a shit.

Is this even a rant. I don't know. I kind of just gave you some advice. You're welcome.

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