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*hello little chickadeeanyas hi whats up enjoy all my hate and rage mwah xx*

Hello everyone.

I am extra cranky right now because it's morning and it's about that "time of the month" if you know what I mean.

First of all, I would like to credit the lovely @RSundee for giving me the idea/inspiration on Skype yesterday while I played Farmville. 

Today's rant is about "crossovers."

I love crossovers a lot. I love them so much. Crossovers are great as frick. 


Let's say you really love The Hunger Games and Dan and Phil. You want to write a fanfic about Dan and Phil in The Hunger Games where they react to being put into the arena. They just hide in a cave the whole time and make weird jokes to lighten the mood or whatever, and if anyone comes by they just throw something sharp at them and hope that kills the person. You really like this fanfic idea. You write it. It gets 100K reads in a couple months. Someone read the fanfic and is like "OMG! THIS PERSON GOT REALLY POPULAR BY WRITING THIS FANFIC, MAYBE I CAN WRITE A HUNGER GAMES DAN AND PHIL CROSSOVER AND GET FAMOUS TOO!"


You can't do that, because that is stealing the person's idea and you can't really make the story without copying the same exact plot. 

The point of crossovers is to see your favorite character react in situations that previous characters reacted in. Not tO SEE HOW MANY FUCKING VOTES YOU CAN GET BY STEALING SOMEONE ELSE'S IDEA JESUS CHRIST.

Also I swear to god if I see the same fucking crossover with that one YouTube group and that one anime I'm going to fucking fling my fucking shit across the world to wherever the copy cat lives and make them eat it. I'M SICK OF SEEING PEOPLE PULL THAT STUNT JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE GOT POPULAR FROM MAKING A CROSSOVER WITH THAT ONE YOUTUBE GROUP AND THAT ONE ANIME.

Ooooh it makes me really rub my temples in distress rEALL HARD.

Okay I'm done here I'm gonna go pet a dog now to make me cool down thank you bye.

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