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Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, it's because of me doing NaNoWriMo. I started posting some parts on my second account, @best-intentions. So yeah, if you're interested you can go read that.

Let's get on to the rant.

So, my opinion changes a lot. Recently, my opinion changed on fanfiction. I used to treat fanfiction as a legitimate piece of writing. At one point I agreed with the people who would rant about grammar and cliches in fanfiction. But, really, I've been doing some thinking.

Fanfiction sucks.


All fanfiction is bad.

You would have a conversation with someone and it would go like this:

"Oh! You write?" the person questions. "What kind?"

You say with a loud squeal that filled the whole room, "I write fanfiction! But, like, good fanfiction. Not stupid things that twelve year olds write lol."

"Oh... uh... okay." Person walks away quietly without wanting to carry on the conversation. You feel as if you're still superior to them because you write fanfiction. They shall be murdered in your fanfiction. And then have Enderlox eat their corpse. Yeah. That will happen!

I don't know.

But really. Fanfiction is a tacky word to say.






Even if you put it in bold and italicize it and space it like all the hipsters do it doesn't look pretty.

F A N F I C T I O N.

Oh God. That's terrifying.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing.


But I think people are getting too into it.

Like really, do you think that the Team Crafted fanfiction you wrote would actually get published?

Do you actually think that?


In my opinion, fanfiction shouldn't be taken seriously.

Like 50 Shades of Grey was a fanfiction. Do you want to end up like that? Sure you're successful, but you're basically a joke! The person who wrote that book is a joke! IT'S A JOKEEEEEE. Some say the person can't even write for shit! That's she's only popular because a bunch of people got horny! Do you really want to end up like that? Well, if you do, then all you're going to have to do for the rest of your life as a career is write fanfiction. Because then the horny people would demand more, big corporations and publishing companies would think that you're  a complete disgrace, so you're basically stuck with writing crappy butt-fucking fanfiction forever. Well, okay, if you want it that way then go ahead!!!!1!!!

Writing fanfiction is a hobby. Nothing less, nothing more. If you write fanfiction it's bad. Sure, there's like some good fanfiction, but it's still bad because it's fanfiction.

No amount of editing or creative plots can fix it. It's fanfiction. It's bad. You're getting celebrities or characters or whatever and putting it into your own world for enjoyment. It shouldn't be taken seriously. Not one person who is a professional writer writes fanfiction. Get over it. Just. Shush. Stop those rants about cliche plotlines because they're worthless.

And again, it's not a terrible thing if you do write fanfiction. It's not a bad thing if you take pride in your fanfiction. But really, at this point it's just about being realistic. No fanfiction is going to be turned into a serious piece of writing. No fanfiction is going to have Bajan Canadian and all his little buddies crushing on this girl. Have fun with writing fanfiction while it lasts, because it's not something that should be taken seriously.

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