Pussy Writers

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*hey everyone i was kind of extra mean in this one idk why i was at school when i wrote it so i guess thats the reason idk school makes me hate shit. anyways enjoy my hate mwah xx*

Okay, so today's rant is about something of which I titled "Pussy Writers," which is basically a  naive writer, but I'm a mean person and decided to say pussy.

Pussy Writers are people who can't take criticism. They don't know what writing in the real world is like. They're so used to every person loving their work. Then, the minute they get some criticism, they feel discouraged and decide to delete their work because nothing matters anymore.

Just why. Why would you do that? Can you be anymore pathetic?

"Oh, I worked so hard on this book, it took me so long, took so much of my time. But sob, some people didn't like it, so I'm just going to give up and delete the whole thing because I have no respect for myself or any of the work that I do."

^Why would you do that? Seriously though, why? Did you actually think that your writing is that perfect that you're not going to get any criticism? If one or more person calls you out on it, then maybe you gotta fix it.

There's also other people who say stuff like "point out my mistakes and you're blocked from my account forever."

Okay, fine you don't get my help or sympathy you little brat, be a suckish writer I don't care fine go.

I also really hate it when people's followers sympathize for that person and they're like "omg no your book is so perfect don't listen to the silly people trying to help you, it's perfect the way it is."

Then I'm just sitting here like "I can find three different ways how you can fix that fucking piece of shit dialogue, your English teacher must be disgusted." (Just a side note, people writing dialogue incorrectly is a very big pet peeve of mine. I don't know why, it's probably just because it's something that has been drilled into my brain and it's such a common mistake and omfg.)

I think people on Wattpad should know that their work isn't perfect. No one's work is perfect. You can't please everyone. If you think it's good and think that you did the best you can on a book, good for you. I'm proud of you. If you can't even be proud of your own work just because someone corrected you on something, or wasn't pleased, I don't want to read any other book from you. I may make a suggestion on how to possibly make it better, because I'm a nice person and WANT you to be a better writer, but then you end up deleting it. Oh well, that's on you not me.

I'm just saying, if you're just that much of a pussy, then real world writing and publishing real work shouldn't be your thing, because people can be harsh. People may even straight out tell you that they hate your stuff. Oh nooooo what a tragedy the perfect little writer on Wattpad having someone else criticize you. God forbid that ever happens!!1!1!1!1!

Maybe your work just actually sucked. Just a thought.

Also, just so you know, this is totally different than thinking that your idea sucked.

So like let's say you have a book.

You've written like three or four chapters of the book, and you can't think of any ideas for it. It seemed like a good idea, but when you write it up it just isn't like you expected it to be.

I know that feeling. I think everyone knows that feeling. Not all ideas are perfect. Sometimes you just gotta throw some ideas away.

Anyways, just stop being so butt hurt all the damn time. Grow up, will you? Sometimes your work sucks. Deal with it.

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