Book Reviews

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Hello everyone, how are ya doing? I hope you're doing swell. :)

Today's rant is on to book reviews.

Ugh. How do I start?

I need to take a breath.


I am ready.

So, there are people on here who give "book reviews," which is completely fine, I think they are pretty nifty. I love reading book reviews all the time for some book recommendations.

But some people just do them completely wrong.

One time in an introduction to a book review a person said "I won't be nice about these."

So what are you going to be? Mean? Abusive? Critical? Helpful?

Don't tell me what you're not going to be, tell me what you are going to be so I won't wound up in tears thinking over my whole writing career. Thank you.

Then there's people who read their friend's books and give them like a 10/10 or whatever just because they are friends with them, but all the other books have like 7/10 or 2/10.

Wow, what a good friend you are, having your friend want you to review their book and ask for feedback and then you say "OMFg THIS BOOK wAS perffFFFF. PERFECT BOOK PERFECT AUTHOr YALL SHould follOW." What a nice friend, giving them followers but not giving them help. Like followers are soooooo much more important than improving your writing.

How to do a book interview right:

1. Explain why you are doing the review.

2. Give both positive and helpful feedback on the book.

3. Explain why or why not you would recommend the book.

It's not even that hard! And that's not probably the "right" way to do it, but I find it easy and helpful.

Okay, that is all I have to say today. If you want to suggest on things I can rant about you can, because I only have like two more good ideas for rants and would like to keep this book going. :)

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