A Sign of Gratitude to This Toxic Website That I Still Waste Time On

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you know i never realized this until now.

like i was scrolling about on this filthy site made in the fucking sewer, trying to find something to hate on bc i'm insecure and need to put my anger somewhere. 

and i noticed something.

well, i always knew it was there, i just didnt give much attention to it before. 

and theres a whole classics section on wattpad? like legit? 

and i checked it out and you can download all of a fucking charles dicks in (but dicks out for harambe) novel like shit!!!!!! man who the fuck needs school anymore

so this is useful for when u forgot to bring ur copy of fucking shit anne of green gables to school but you can just be like "yeah man i got it on wattpad" to ya teach and BOOM u dont get an f and have to drop out of school

so thanks wattpad 

i still fucking hate you and im holding a grudge for ur layout change in 2014-2015

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