Party Time!

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Kami's POV
Mina dragged me to the gym, where the party was. Most people from class 1-A were there Kiri, Bakugou, Momo, Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki, Jirou, Sero, Uraraka, and Asui. I looked around and didn't see Shinsou.
"Missing your boy crush?~" Mina said
"Waa...N-no.." I said blushing.
"Sure~I'm gonna go talk to Bakugou" She said walking away.
Welp I'm now alone... Now what. Welp I'm gonna play a game on my phone.
3rd POV
The door opened to a mildly annoyed looking indigo haired boy. Momo immediately rushed up to him.
"I'm so happy you decided to come!" She said smiling.
"Yeah,Yeah." He said clearly annoyed. He walked over to one of the tables and sat down.
Kami's POV
He actually showed up. But he kinda looks mad.... I wonder why.... Hmmm....My thoughts where cut off by Iida yelling about some sort of game. This should be fun.
"There are four choices. One 10 minutes in heaven. Two truth or dare. Three spin the bottle. Four King*." He said. After everyone voted. The order was King, Truth or dare, spin the bottle, 10 minutes in heaven. So we put the numbers 1-12 on a peice of paper in the hat and a drawn crown. We all pick a pick of paper. I got 6.
3rd POV
Mina got the crown.
"4 and 8 have to be touching until I said stop." Midoriya was 4 and Todoroki was 8. Midoriya blushed lightly. But did it without complaining.
"Boring!" Bakugou said. "Next!"
"Fine 2 and 3 have to kiss each other!" She said smirking.
"F*ck! Who do I have to kiss." Bakugou said.
"M-me.." Kirishima said.
"Well...Could be worse." Baku said.
"Huh-" Kiri said getting cut off by Bakugou kissing him. Mina squealed.
"That is not appropriate action for school!" Iida said breaking apart the two. Both were blushing.
"How was that for entertaining?" Mina said. Bakugou mumbled.
"Hmm....12 has to sit in 10's lap for 4 rounds." She said.
Jirou was 12 and Momo was 10. They did as they were told.
~Time skip~
A hour later
Many people have kissed. A few are embarrassed. All are bored. A few people left. Bakugou, Kirishima, Deku, Todoroki, Kaminari, Shinsou, Momo, Jirou, Sero, and Mina were the ones who stayed. So you probably know where this is going. Bakugou had snuck in alcohol and was swigging it. After about 30 minutes the only completely sober ones were Momo, Mina, Sero, and Shinsou. Kaminari, Todoroki, and Jirou where tipsy and Kirishima, Bakugou, and Deku where drunk af. Since Iida had left no-one was there to tell them no.
"Heyyyyyyy guysssssss*hic* We should play truth or dare!" Bakugou said. Everyone said okay.
"I'll start! Kami truth orrr dare?" Kiri said.
"Truth." Kami said a bit slurred
"Tell the truth.. What's your sexuality?" Kiri said.
"Pan*hic*" He said blushing.
"That's gay!" Baku said.
"No you" Kami replied. "Bakubrooooo Truth or dare?"
"Kiss your favourite person here."
"Ok" he said kissing Kiri.
"That's gay!" Kami said
"You right tho" Baku said. "Nerd truth or dare!"
"Dare.." he said
"Sit in half n' half's lap until your asked again." Katsuki said
"Umm...okay" He said as he did. "Mina truth or dare"
"Do you know any secrets about Kami, Kacchan, or Kiri?"
"Many! Baku and Kiri watch romantic movies every Friday and Kami eats mustard right out of the container." She said smirking. "Shinsou Truth or dare?"
"Um. Truth?" He said.
"Umm can I have a different question?"
"Nope!" She said
"I'm not straight. I'll say that much."
"Fine" She said pouting. "Now ask someone!"
"Do I have to?" He said
"Ugh..Fine...Yaoyorozu truth or dare?" He said.
"Umm Dare?"
"I dare you to run around the school twice." He said
"TWICE? Why do you do this to me?" She said pouting.
"Quit stalling and start running." He said in a annoyed voice.
"Fine!" She grumbled.
"Okay! While she's doing that let's play a different game." Mina said. "Let's play spin the bottle!"
"Okay!" Denki said taking the vodka bottle and downing the rest. Then placing the bottle in between them all.
"Umm... okay then..."Mina said.
"Hey! I w-wanted some!" Jiro said glaring at Kami. Kami stuck his tongue out at her.
"Toooo b-bad*hic*" He said. They began the game. The rules were that is you liked them romantically you had to kiss them on the mouth and if you didn't you kiss their cheek. Kiri spun first and it landed on Baku. Kiri kissed Bakugou on the lips. Deku spun and it landed on Todoroki. He blushed then kissed him on the lips. Momo came back to the gym and sat down next to Kami. Then Jirou spun and it landed between Kami and Momo.
"Umm who did it land on?" Mina said. Kami moved it so it was facing Momo.
"Not me!" He said. Jirou blushed as she kissed Momo on the lips. Kami then spun the bottle.
Kami POV
I looked to see who it landed on. And it landed on Shinsou. What should I do. Do I do what I really feel or lie? He did say he wasn't straight so maybe I have a chance! I'm going do what's the truth!
I leaned over and kissed him in the lips. Then pulled away fast. I could tell I was bright red. I looked down.
"Umm.......NEXT GAME!" Mina yelled. "Let's play 10 minutes in heaven!"
3rd POV
All of their names were put in a hat. Kiri drew first and drew Bakugou's name.
"Let's go Bakubabe!" He said dragging him to the storage closet. Mina started the timer. At 7 minutes she knocked and told them they had 3 minutes left.
3 minutes later they walked out and they both had a few hickeys.
~Time Skip~
Todoroki and Deku went in together. Also Momo and Jirou. It was Sero's turn to draw and he drew Kami. Sero blushed slightly and dragged him to the closet.
Kami POV
I was pulled into the closet by Sero. I could hear him stuttering.
"Are you okay, Dude?" I ask
"Umm......y-yeah" He said. "Uhmm..Kami?"
"Yeah?" Suddenly I was pinned against the wall." Uhhh...Sero? What are you doing?"
"I'm showing you my love for you~" He started nuzzling my neck.
"Sero stop! I don't like you in that way." I said trying to push him off me.
"Why not~" He said smirking
"Because I like someone else"
"I can make you want me~" He said as I tried to push him off again. Suddenly the door opened to a very confused Shinsou.
"Time's up." He said walking away. We walked back to the group. When we got back Jirou pulled Sero's name. They both walked to the closet. I went up to Mina and told her what happened with Sero. She came up with a plan I was pull Shinsou's name out of the hat. She took out all the names and switched them with different papers that all said his name. When Sero and Jirou came back I took my turn and 'randomly' chose a name pulling Shinsou's. We walked to the closet. As soon as we got in the closet he asked.
"What happened with Sero?"
"Well when I opened the door you seemed to be struggling against his grip."
"Oh well he pinned me against the wall. Then told me he liked me. I told him that I didn't like him that way and that I like someone else, but he didn't listen. He said he could change that. So I tried to push him off, but he wouldn't move." I said looking down.
"If he really cared about you he'd want you to be happy no matter what. And not force you." He said looking at me.
"Yeah, I guess." Suddenly he was holding me.
"He should know when to stop" He said nuzzling me. I blushed at his actions. There was a knock on the signaling 7 minutes.
"I like you~"
"Umm...I-i like y-you too.."
"Good. Cause you're mine now." The door opened. To see a smiling Mina.
"Awwww~ You guys are cute~" She said
"Shut up!" I blurted out. We walked back to the gym. As soon as we got back. Momo said
"Ok we have time for one more turn. Sero you pick." Sero picked a name and got Shinsou.
3rd POV
The two boys walked to the closet. As soon as they got in they yelled at each other.(Italics:Shinsou Bold:Sero)
"Why are you taking him from me?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play innocent with me! I'm talking about you taking Kami from me!"
"'From you'? He clearly told you that he wasn't interested in you!"
"I still could have had a chance with him! But you had to ruin it!"
"If he doesn't like you deal with it! If you really loved him you would be happy for him not place the spotlight on you! You should be happy that he loves someone! Not sad that he doesn't love you! Do you want him to be sad and with you or happy and with someone else?! If you pick the with you, you don't really love him! What's your favourite thing about him?"
"His smile"
"Wrong answer! You shouldn't have a favourite! Because everything about him is perfect! From his quirk to his personality! Everything about him is perfect!" Just as he said that Denki opened the door with wide eyes so did their classmates who where there because they heard yelling. Both of the boys looked at him and their classmates. No-one said a word.
"I think we should all go back to our dorms..." Mina said breaking the silence. Everyone agreed and started walking back to their rooms.
Welp how was that? Again sorry if the characters are a bit OOC! If you have feedback just tell me!
*- King a game where you put numbers and a drawn crown in a hat. Who ever draws the crown get to tell people what to do or say and they have to listen. The twist is no-one knows who got what. So it's a mystery.

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