The hell?

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Kami POV
Mina and Kiri were already there. After we got our pretzels. We all sat down.
"So what did y'all get?!" Mina said. Kiri and Bakubro went to Hot topic, Hollister, and Aeropostale. Mina went to Rue 21, Hot topic, Hollister, Jcpenneys, and Spencer gifts.
"Where did you go Kami?" Kiri said.
"I went to Jcpenneys, Hollister, and Hot topic." I said.
"When did that creep show up?" Baku said.
"Penny's when I was looking at the pants."
"Wait what happened?" Kiri said.
"This creep was flirting with me and wouldn't leave me alone. Bakubro saw him touching me before we came here. And threatened him." I said.
"What the hell? Did you tell him no?" Mina said.
"Yes I told him no. I also told him I had a boyfriend. He just couldn't take no for an answer." I sighed. We talked a bit more. Then headed to the dorms. When we got there. There was tape everywhere.
"Oh" Kiri said
"My" Bakugou said
"All might..." Mina said. We heard yelling from the living room. We dropped our stuff. And rushed there. When we got in there we saw the reason for this mess. Sero and Shin-shin. They were fighting.
(Shin Sero)
"I've told you again and again! He doesn't like you! Get that threw your head!"
"He will love me! I will do anything for that to happen!" Sero then tackles Shin-shin. Sero tried punching him.
3rd POV
Sero punched Shinsou's face. Then Shinsou tried to push him off but failed. Kami tried to make them stop but they, Sero, wouldn't. Kami went to get Aizawa or an other teacher. It was about 20 minutes later when he returned with Aizawa. It took about 15 minutes to break them apart.
"Now tell me who started this. Because a fight like this doesn't just happen." Aizawa said in a annoyed tone.
"He started it!" They both said together. Aizawa rubbed his head.
"Okay then. I'll ask a easier question. How did this start?"
(Shin Sero)
"He tried to take what was mine!"
"It's not yours!"
"Yes he is! He is mine and only mine!"
"He's told you that he doesn't like you! Move on!"
"Who are we talking about?" Aizawa said.
"Kami!" Aizawa looked at Kaminari. Kami was blushing.
"Really? Can't you just tell him that you don't like him? Also Shinsou why are you caught up in this?"
"I'll tell you later..."
"I've tried! He won't listen! I've told him I don't like him and that I like someone else! But he still won't listen!" Kami said. Aizawa sighed.
"Listen Sero. If Kaminari has told you he doesn't like you. You need to respect that so you won't loose him as a friend. Think of his feelings not just yours."
"But I still don't understand why he likes Shinsou and not me!" Sero whined. Aizawa looked at Shinsou and Kaminari.
"What? Shinsou I had one rule. One. And you didn't listen." He rubbed his head.
"Look. I tried, but could you blame me?"
"Yes I can! I specifically said 'Don't like any loud blondes'. And what did you do?"
"Like a loud blonde."
"Also you some how made him like you. You can't get rid of him now!"
"I know but... What about Yamada? You tell me no loud blondes, but you have one!"
"Ugh..fine! You win." Aizawa sighed. Everyone was confused what just happened, but just went along with it. "Sero you have a week detention. Shinsou 2 days." After he left Sero glared at Shinsou.
"Come on Shin-shin. I wanna show you what I got at the mall!" Kami said pulling him out of the room.
Kami POV
"Go to my room. I need to get my bags." He nodded then walked to my room. I grabbed my bags off the floor and made my way to my room. I walked in and set down my bags. Shin-shin was sitting on my bed.
"Okay so. I went to three stores. Penney's, Hollister, and Hot topic. Which one do wanna see first?"
"I don't care." He said looking at my bags. I sat in my beanbag chair and put my bags around me. I picked up the Penny's bag.
"So I got some hoodies and black pants." I said taking them out of the bag. I grabbed the Hollister bag. "I got a jacket and some shirts." I pulled them out. I set them aside and grabbed the Hot topic bag. "Then some chokers and a pair of shoes. So what do you think? Do you like 'em?" He nodded.
"Did anything go bad?" He asked.
"Uhmm....well.....kinda..." I said trying to avoid the question.
"What happened?" He patted next to him. I walked over and sat.
"There was this creep. That wouldn't leave me alone."
"Did you tell him you were taken?" I nodded.
"He started talking to me while I was at Penney's. And I didn't see him at Hollister. But in Hot topic he started getting touchy." Shin-shin growled and wrapped his arms around me. Then nuzzled my neck.
"You are mine. Not that weirdos. Not Sero's. Mine." He pulled me closer to him. "At least I know my boyfriend's cute~" I blushed.
"Sh-shut up.... I-I'm not cu-cute...."
"Yes you are. Such a cute kitty~" He rubbed my ears. I blushed at that action.
"Nya! Don't do that.." I mumbled.
"It feels weird..." He touched them again. "Nya! St-stop! Pl-please... don't touch them..."
"Fine" He nuzzled me again. Then kissed my neck. "I'll stop. Even though I really want to. I'll stop for my kitten~" I blushed. He pulled both of us down. "Let's cuddle."
"Okay let's cuddle."
We have been cuddling for a while. I looked over at the clock and it said 8:45.
"Shin-shin we need to get ready for bed."
"Okay. Can we cuddle after?" He asked sitting up. I nodded. Then went to my drawers and got some pjs. Shin-shin had already left to get into his pjs. I got dressed and flipped onto my bed. There was a knock on the door.
"Come in." It was Shin-shin. He layed next to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"Night Shin-shin."
"Night kitten." Soon we both fell asleep.
If you don't like what I put in this chapter. I would say I'm sorry but I'm not really. So this is how I'm making the characters in this story. And yes I know they aren't exactly like this, but this is a flippin' fanfiction. So nothing will be completely the same. It just works better like this.

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