Movie Time

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Kami POV
As Bakubro began the movie Mina thought it would be a good idea to have popcorn. So she went to make some. When she came back she had 3 bowls. One for me and Shinsou, one for Kiri and Baku and one for herself. About a fourth threw the movie me and Kiri were getting scared. Which isn't good. But I had a blanket so I could hide! I pulled the blanket closer to my face so I could try and hide the fact that I'm scared.
3rd POV
Kami was shaking. And Kiri was only a little less scared than Kami. Baku was holding Kiri to 'keep him safe'. And Mina was sitting on the floor as the 5th wheel.
~Time skip brought to you by the best red head shark boi~
After the movie
Kami was scared half to death.
"I can't believe you are that scared!" Bakugou said.
"It's not m-my fault I g-get scared easily!" Kami said shaking beneath the blanket. Bakugou laughed.
"Bakubabe stop teasing Kami! Let's go to bed. I'm tired." Kiri said. Bakugou nodded. They walked to Baku's room.
"Night guys. I'm gonna go to bed too." Mina said leaving Shinsou and Kaminari in the living room.
Kami POV
"I think we should go to sleep as well." Shinsou said. All I did was nod. He went to his room. I walked to the kitchen to get a snack. I still had the blanket around me. I got some potato chips and went back to my room. I got into my PJ's, a t-shirt and short-shorts. I watched YouTube for a couple of hours. That was a bad idea. I watched conspiracy theories. Now I'm even more scared. Ugh! And I can't go to Mina because Aizawa has stupid rules! Who could I go to? Kiri and Bakugou are together. Probably so are Todo and Deku. And I don't want to be in Sero's room right now... Iida will probably yell at me for being up this late. The only one left is... Shinsou. This should be fun. Is he even awake. What if he thinks it's weird. Calm down Kami! You're over thinking again! Just walk over there and ask. I walked over to his room. Thank All Might it's right next to mine. I quietly knocked on the door. Shinsou opened it.
"Hmm... what did you want?" He said kinda sounded tired.
"We-well...uhmm... i'm scared and I have nowhere else to go....." I said looking down.
"So you want to stay in my room?" He asked. I nodded.
"Ok. Come on." He said motioning me to walk in. I did.
"T-thank you..."
"It's fine. You're just lucky I can barely fall asleep." He said laying on his bed.
"Ummm.... were can I sleep?"
"In my bed if you want"
"Umm okay...." I crawled into his bed. "Thank you for doing this."
"No problem." A couple minutes later I fell asleep. Feeling safe.
Shinsou POV
He soon fell asleep. Damn he's so adorable. When he came to my door asking if he could stay, that was the cutest thing in the world. I can't believe Sero thought he would ever like him that way. Well I should go to sleep as well.
"Night kitten"
~Time skip~
3rd POV
Mina and Kiri were getting kinda concerned. They haven't seen Kaminari, Shinsou, and Sero since yesterday and it's 12. So they decided to look for them. First they knocked on Sero's door. He was in his room. Then they knocked on Kami's awsner so they went inside. Kami wasn't there so they got worried. They knocked on Shinsou's door no awsner. So they,Mina, opened it and saw Kami being cuddled by Shinsou. Mina squealed. Kiri pulled her out before she screamed. They both walked to the kitchen. Bakugou was making food.
"What were you two doing?" Katsuki asked.
"Seeing where Kami, Sero, and Shinsou were." Kiri said hugging Baku. Bakugou   sighed.
"Where were they?"
"Sero is in his room. And...." Kiri trailed off.
"Don't get mad and I'll tell you." Kiri said.
"Depends on what it is." Bakugou said.
"Ugh. Promise."
"Kami and Shinsou were cuddling in Shinsou's room..." Kiri said holding him tighter. Bakugou was quiet. "Bakubaby... You said you wouldn't get mad."
"I'm not mad. I was thinking about how I need to have a talk with Shinsou. And tell him the rules." Mina and Kiri were both scared for Shinsou.
~Time skip~
When Shinsou walked into the kitchen he was immediately bombarded with questions by Bakugou.
"Katsuki! Let him at least have some coffee." Kiri said.
"Fine" He grumbled. Shinsou made some coffee then said.
"What is this about?"
"It's about Kaminari" Baku said.
(Baku Shin)
"Umm okay. What about him?"
"I know you were cuddling with him!"
"First okay. Second how do you know that?"
"How I know is none of your business!"
"It kinda is. Since the only way to know is if you sneaked into my room."
"That's not what this is about! What are your intentions with Kaminari?"
"Why do you need to know that?"
"I just do!"
"I'm not gonna tell you"
"Fine!" He said walking away
"Everyone in the Baku squad besides Kiri is kinda like his kid." Mina said.
"Oh so your kinda like a family"
"I'll guess is Bakugou the father? And he's scared that I'll hurt Kaminari?"
"More or less"
"If you want you can tell him that I'll take care of and protect his 'son'."
"I will once he cools of."
"Well. Imma go back to my room." He said walking away.
~~~~Shinsou's room~~~~
Shinsou POV
Why would he think I would hurt Kaminari. I would rather die. Aww he's still sleeping. But I really should wake him it 1 and we have school tomorrow. Ugh!
"Kaminari? You need to wake up it's 1." I said shaking him slightly.
"Nuuuu! I don't wanna!" He said tiredly.
"Come on you need to get up"
"Because you can't be up until 5 am tonight. And you need at least 8 hours of sleep."
"But I don't wanna move. I'm comfy"
"I will pick you up"
"Then do it!" I wrapped him in my blanket and carried him to the kitchen. He tried to kick me on the way. I set him down in the chair.
"What do you want to eat?"
"I'll have anything" he said. I nodded and started making scrambled eggs. I got out the salt, pepper, eggs and hotsause. About 7 minutes later I gave him his eggs.
"Thank you" He said before he started eating his eggs. I made me some toast then sat next to him. Mina walked in and smiled at us. Kaminari smiled back. I made this (•-•) face. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. Bakugou asked me more questions. We watched a movie. And it wasn't a horror movie. After that it was 10:30 so we decided to got to bed. Kami decided to sleep in my bed again. And about 11:30 we fell asleep.
Sorry for the OOCness of Kacchan. I just love the idea of him and kiri being like the parents of the group. And him being protective of them.

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