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Kami POV
I woke up at 12. Looked around and I was in Shin-shins room. And was kinda scared because I forgot what day it was. But when I woke up and checked my phone it said it was Sunday. I made my way to the kitchen. Baku was making him a sandwich. He glanced at me.
"Did you go to sleep last night?" He said looking back at his sandwich.
"Yes." I said walking to the coffee machine.
"Kiri thinks we should have a small party thing. You wanna go?" He said.
"Sure, when and where." I said putting some sugar in my coffee.
"In the gym at 6:30." He said walking to the fridge to put away the meat.
"In the gym? Ok. See ya" I said walking out of the kitchen and into the living room. Mina and Shin-shin were in there. I sat down next to Shin-shin and drank my coffee.
"Are you two going to the party?" Mina said.
"Huh? What party?" Shin-shin said.
"Kiri's throwing a party tonight at 6:30."
"You guys gonna go?" I nodded.
"Sure. I'll go." I finished my coffee and took my cup into the kitchen. After I did that I walked back into my room. I think I'll take a shower. I got my things and walked to the shower.
~Time Skip~
After shower
I got dressed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a yellow shirt. I walked into the kitchen to get me a snack. Sero and Shin-shin were both in there.
"Hey Kaminari..." Sero said.
"Hello Sero." I said walking to the fridge and got mountain dew and then started to walk to the cupboard.
"You going to Kiri's party?" Sero asked. All I did was nod. I grabbed a bag of Doritos and walked out of the room and to my room. I got my headphones and turned on Shane Dawson.
~Time Skip~
Before the party
Ugh! Why did I agree to go to this party? Sero will probably be there. Welp. At least Shin-shins going! I wonder what he's doing? I'll go visit him! I walked to his room and knocked.
"Come in" He said opening the door.
"I've come to visit you!" I said walking into his room
"Oh, Hi Kami." He was laying on his bed.
"What chu doing?" I said plopping on his bed.
"I was about to get ready." He said sitting up.
"I'll wait" I said staring at the ceiling. He got off the bed. And walked to his closet. Grabbed a shirt and a pair a jean's. He walked to the bathroom. I decided to look in his closet. I found a black and purple hoodie with cat ears on the hood. I put it on and looked in the mirror. Since Shin-shin was bigger and taller than me it was big on me. Also I looked adorable. I put the hood up and twirled. I heard a soft thud behind me. I turned around and Shin-shin was there. His clothes were on the floor and he looked kinda shocked.
"Umm... Hi Shin-shin! Do I look cute?" I said. He still stood there shocked and it kinda looked like he was blushing.
"Uhmm....I-it lo-looks g-good.." He said picking up his clothes and throwing them in the corner. I looked at my phone.
"It's 6:25. Should we head down?" I said. He nodded. "Okay....By the way I'm keeping this on." I walked out of his room. We soon walked into the gym.
"Hey Kami! Shinsou you came!" Kiri said. I smiled.
"Hey Kiri! Yeah I was surprised to when Shin-shin said he was coming." I said sitting down at one of the tables. Shin-shin sat next to me.
"Well Iida okayed the party as long as there's no alcohol and no 'profanity'. So I told Bakubabe he couldn't bring alcohol this time." Kiri said sighing. I looked around and saw Todoroki, Midoriya, Baku, Kiri, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Jirou, and Mina. I was about to say something, but the door opened and Monoma was there.
"Hey fuckers! I'm here to destroy you!" He said activating his quirk. I looked around to see what he did. Midoriya, Kiri, and Yaoyorozu had cat ears.
"Shit! Wrong one! Now you will be destroy y-" He was cut off by Kendo punching him.
"Sorry about him!" She said dragging him away. I looked at Shin-shin, his face was slightly red.
"Kami you have cat ears...." Kiri said.
"Really?!" I said grabbing my phone and going to the camera. I had yellow ears with black tips and my tail was the same. "I'm adorable! Shin-shin look I'm a cat!" I was really happy about this.
"This was a turn of events.." Bakubro said.
"Uhmm.... Let's play a game! How about truth or dare?" Kiri said. Everyone nodded. We all sat in a circle.
"I'll go first. Kiri truth or dare?" Mina said.
"Is it true that you have a Bakugou body pillow?" She asked smirking.
"Uhhmmm......W-wellll...." Kiri said while blushing. He quickly nodded. "Next question! Uhmm Kami! Truth or dare?"
"Hmm... Whose hoodie is that?" Kiri said. Baku sighed.
"That's a stupid truth!" He complained.
"I don't care! I wanna know! Because he's never said anything about it." Kiri said. "So Kami! Whose hoodie?"
"My boyfriends. The question isn't even that embarrassing." I said.
"WAIT WHAT? YOU'RE DATING SOMEONE?" Mina said. I nodded.
"Well we didn't really tell anyone they just found out on their own. And how don't you know? It's pretty obvious to me." I said.
"I'm going to leave. See you guys tomorrow." Iida said walking away. Yaoyorozu and Jirou left as well.
"Ok! Now that they're gone let's play dirty truth or dare." Baku said. Midoriya and Todoroki were a bit hesitant at first, but Bakubro convinced Midoriya.
"Kiri truth or dare?" Baku said.
"Umm truth?"
"When did you lose your v-card?" He said smirking. Kiri mumbled something.
"What was that?" Baku said.
"This year...." kiri said he ears were pointed down. Baku smirked.
~Time skip provided by Neko!Kami~
A few more people were asked embarrassing questions. Todoroki and Midoriya left.
"Kami? Truth or dare?" Mina said.
"Who would you fuck out of the people here? Also you have to explain why!" She said.
"Shin-shin.... Because Kiri and Baku are kinda like my parents. And Mina is kinda like my sister. Also I'm dating him so...." I said my ears were pointed down.
"Wait your dating Shinsou? I knew you like him but you're dating?" Mina said.
"Again how didn't you know this? It's kinda obvious. We're always cuddling." I said.
"Yeah, but your a very touchy person."
"But Shin-shin obviously isn't tho."
"Well I just thought that you may have gotten threw his walls. And that he trusted you."
"You two can talk about this later. Right now let's continue to play truth or dare." Baku said. "Brainwashy. I dare you to-"
"Wait I didn't even pick." He said
"Okay you would have chose truth. So I picked dare for you. I dare you to kiss Pikachu."
"What the hell Baku!" I said my ears were down and so was my tail.
"What? It could have been worse!" He said smirking. I looked over at Shin-shin he was blushing like crazy.
"Come on! It's not that bad. I could have dared him to run around naked outside." I was about to say something when Shin-shin kissed me. I squeaked. He pulled away. I pulled the hood of the hoodie up and rolled into a ball. Mina and Kiri squealed.
'Oh my All Might! He actually did it. He kissed me in front of my friends. Why did Baku dare him that?' I let out a muffled scream.
"You actually did it?!" Bakubro said trying to hold in a laugh.
"Bakubabe don't laugh!" Kiri said.
"But it's funny as shit!"
"No it's not. You embarrassed Kami and that's not nice. No cuddles for you tonight!" Kiri said.
"Kiri no please I want cuddles!" He whined.
"No means no." Kiri said. Someone lifted me out of my cocoon. I felt arms around me and something against my back.
"I'm sorry for kissing you without your permission." Shin-shin whispered in my ear.
"It's fine." I whispered back.
"Let's go cuddle." He said. I nodded. I stood up.
"I'm gonna go to sleep. Bye guys." I said walking to the dorms. I went to my room to change. I got into a oversized shirt and a pair of short-shorts. I walked over to Shin-shins room and knocked. He opened the door and let me in.
"Yay! I get cuddles!" I said plopping on his bed. He laid down next to me and put his arms around me. About 20 minutes later he fell asleep. And I started thinking about how lucky I have him. Before the past week I haven't been able to sleep for more than 3 hours. Now I'm sleeping for about the whole day. Damn how did I get so lucky. Soon I fell asleep as well.

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