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Kami POV
I woke up to a door opening. One of the more peaceful awakenings I've had.
"Kami you need to get up its 6:55." It was Shin-shin
"Just 5 more minutes?" Not really wanting to get up. I was very comfortable.
"I'll let you wear another one of my hoodies later if you get up."
"Fine!" I slowly got out of bed.
"Thank you kitten. Go get dressed then come back to my room. Ok?" He was standing in front of me already in his uniform.
"Otay." I then walked out of his room and went to my room. I put my uniform on. Then brushed my hair making sure not to hit my kitty ears. I grabbed my school things and happily went back to Shin-shins room.
"Shin-shin!" He opened the door. And motioned for me to come in. I walked in a plopped onto his bed. It smelled like him. I'm not weird I promise. There was snapping in my face. I looked up and it was Shin-shin.
"Huh?" He handed me something. It was key. "What's this to?"
"It's the extra key to my dorm. In case I lose mine or you just wanna be in my room and I'm not around."
"Thanks, Shin-shin!" I put the key in my bag. I glanced at the clock. It said 7:45. "I think we should go to class..." He looked at the time.
"We might be a bit later but so is Aizawa. So we're good. Let's go." We started walking to class. When we got there everyone looked at us because we were a bit late. But Aizawa wasn't there so we're good. We sat down and Bakudad turned to look at us.
"Why were you two late?" He then glared at Shin-shin.
"Kami didn't get up in time," Shin-shin said glaring back at Bakubro. I and Kiri looked at each other in worry.
"You should have woke him up sooner," Bakugou said.
(Shin Baku)
"At least he's sleeping."
"He should be going to sleep early then!"
"I'm sorry that he has a social life, unlike some people."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"It means he's not a scourge and enjoys company unlike you!" Bakugou flinched and then stood up.
"Are you trying to fight me jackass?!"
"Maybe I am!" Shin stood up as well. Everyone was now looking at the two. I looked at Kiri. We both looked worried and scared. They keep on yelling at each other. I faced forward. Then I set my head down on the desk. What if they get expelled? If Shin-shin gets expelled then I'll be sad but if Bakubro gets expelled Kiri'll be sad. I could still hear them yelling. I looked at them again and Kiri was also standing up but he was trying to calm down Bakugou but it wasn't working.
"STOP ARGUING! PLEASE!" I yelled and stood up. They all looked at me. "I don't want you two fighting! So please don't argue!" I must have started crying because my face felt kinda wet. "Both of you are important to me so I want you both to get along! So please don't fight!" Kiri walked over and hugged me. I felt Kiri's head move but his body didn't.
"We're sorry Kaminari." They both said.
"They didn't mean to make you cry they were both just being protective," Kiri said petting my head.
"I-i kn-know..." Kiri let go of me and put his hands on my shoulders.
"How 'bout later we watch Disney movies. How does that sound?"
"Th-that sou-nds go-od." I wiped the tears off my face. He smiled then sat down. Baku and Shin-shin were already sitting down. I sat down and tried to calm myself. Aizawa slithers into the classroom. And up to the podium.
"Since some of you want to fight. We'll be practising today. But it'll be PvP. So if anyone wants to punch someone else you can do it today. The only rule is no quirks. Go to were you wanna fight. I'll find you soon. You may not leave the school grounds. Now go!" He said crawling back into the bag.
"Hey, Kiri! Wanna be my partner?" I said turning around to look at him.
"Sure dude!" He said smiling. We stood up and walked out of the class.
Shin POV
I watched my kitten and Kirishima walk out of class.
"I guess they did that so we would have to be partners..." I said looking at Bakugou.
"I guess." He said standing up. "Let's go. And how bout we find a place to fight near Pikachu and Kiri."
"Ok." I stood up and followed him. We soon found Kami and Kirishima. At least he has some intelligence to stay far away from them but close enough to see them.
"I don't like you," Bakugou said. "You're too weird and deadly looking."
"Just trying to put what I feel on the outside," I said rolling my eyes.
"I also hate how you can't be insulted."
"Thank you." He growled. "Awe did I make the puppy mad? I didn't mean to anger the little baby~"
"Fuck you ass-wagon!"
"I'll pass. You're not my type."
"But a loud annoying moron is?"
"Listen I told you before your not my type." He growled then tackled me.
Kami POV
I and Kiri tried to find a place away from everyone but Shin-shin and Baku had to follow us.
"So Kami... how is your and Shinsou's relationship?" He asked
"It's good. We went shopping yesterday. He even picked out some clothes for me to wear. And they don't look terrible."
"Really? I never expected him to be good at that type of thing."
"Me either. But I was pleasantly surprised."
"I wanna see them."
"Sure just meet me outside my dorm."
~Time skip provided by emotional Pikachu~
End of school
I grabbed my bag and began walking to my dorm. When I got there I set down my bag and grabbed the key Shin-shin gave me and went to his dorm. I'm kinda happy he wasn't there. I began looking through his hoodies. Then I found one I like.

I slipped it on and quickly walked out of his dorm locking it

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I slipped it on and quickly walked out of his dorm locking it. Kiri was leaning against the wall next to my door.
"Were you talking to him?"
"Is he even in his dorm."
"How'd you get into his dorm then?" I held up the key.
"Gave me the spare key." I then opened my dorm. "I'll show you the outfits he picked out." He followed me.
"Why did you go to his dorm?"
"Hoodie." I opened my closet and grabbed the outfits. Then walked to my drawer and grabbed a pair of black short-shorts. "I'm gonna change into these... so look away." He turned away. I quickly changed my pants and took off the hoodie and shirt. Then put the hoodie back on. "Ok! I'm done!" I said tossing my uniform in the corner. He faced me. I showed him the outfits the whole time he was teasing me. After that, we went to his dorm and watched movies for about 7 and a half hours. Our dinner was pop and popcorn. Halfway threw Mulan Kiri fell asleep. When I looked at the time it was 11 PM. I then sneaked away to my room to get into my PJs. Then I knocked on Shin-shins door. He opened it.
"Hia! I need cuddles!" He let me inside his room.
"Kaminari." I looked at him. He usually never says my full name.
"Do you love me?"
"Of course I do why wouldn't I!"
"Are you sure you're not using me to not be insane. All we do when we hang out is sleep and cuddle or go shopping. And I don't just wanna just be something you need. I wanna be wanted." I was silent.
"Shinsou... I love you with all my heart. I love you because what's not to love about you? I want to be with you. I liked you before I knew you helped with my condition. You being that person just is a bonus. And if I didn't want to be with you I would just be your friend and say I have really bad nightmares that keep me awake and that you make me feel safe. And you do make me feel safe. I love-" I was cut off by him kissing me. I immediately kissed back. He licked my bottom lip.

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