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I guess I should put their seating chart.
Kami POV
I woke up to my alarm going off. I whined because Shin-shin left. I rolled out of bed and stumbled towards the kitchen. Mina was in there.
"Hia Kami. I see you still have your kitty ears. Also 'Dad' made breakfast." She said pointing to a pan of scrambled eggs.
"Yeah." I walked over to the pan and got some eggs. They didn't taste like Shin-shins but it's still food.
"I wonder what we're doing today." She said.
"Hopefully nothing to hard I'm kinda tired"
"Did Shinsou not sleep with you?" She said looking at me.
"He did I'm just always tired in the morning."
"I should be getting dressed. Bye." I said walking to my room. When I got to my room I got dressed into the uniform.
'I really wanna wear my cute clothes but I have to go to school' After I got dressed I started walking to class. When I got to class Bakubro and Shin-shin were loudly talking while Kiri stood next to Baku looking kinda worried. When Kiri saw me he walked up to me.
"Hey Kami. Baku and Shinsou are arguing. And guess what it's about."
"What's it about?" I said tilting my head.
(Kami kiri)
"It's about you."
"Huh why?"
"Bakubabe released that Shinsou is the reason your sleeping longer and he's making sure Shinsou won't break your heart." I sighed.
"Come on let's fix this." Then both of us walked towards them.
"Bakugou stop bothering my boyfriend!" I said.
"No you can't tell me what to do!" Kiri then walked up to Baku and grabbed his arm. Then whined.
"Please?" Kiri then gave him puppy dog eyes. Baku looked down at him.
"Fine." He said glaring at Shin-shin. They both walked away. Shin-shin then wrapped his arms around me.
"Shin-shin? What a-are you doing?" I said slightly blushing.
"Nothing to worry about Kitten~" he whispered in my ear nuzzling my neck.
"L-let's sit d-down..." I said blushing more pushing him away from me.
"Ok Kami" He said walking to his seat. I followed him and sat down. And put my head down. A few minutes past and the door opened. When I looked up it was Present Mic. There was murmur.
"Excuse me Sensei. But where is Aizawa?" Iida said standing up.
"He's taken a mental health day. So I'm supposed to be your teacher but I think you guys need a free day so.... I dismiss you from all classes! You may leave and do whatever you want to. Just don't get into trouble." Mic said walking out of the classroom.
'Wait really? I can wear my new outfit!'
"Is he serious? Is this some sort of test? Is Aizawa standing outside of the door?" Kiri said. He sounded confused.
"Why would Sensei lie to us about this?" Mina said.
"Tsh. See ya extras!" Bakubro said walking out. Everyone went dead silent. We heard nothing.
"Is the coast clear?" Asui said.
"I think so..." Mina said.
"Well let's go!" Uraraka said walking to the door. She opened it and walked out. Eventually everyone else walked out. Me and Shin-shin were last. As I was triple checking I have everything.
"Hey Shin-shin. Do you wanna go to the mall? I really want a new outfit. I'll let you pick one out-"
Shin-shin came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I blushed.
"Shin-shin w-what are y-you doing?"
"Nothing.." He said nuzzling me. I squeaked.
"I-it doesn't s-seem like n-nothing..." I said crossing my arms. He then kissed my collarbone. I pushed him off of me. "Shin-shin! No!" I said with bright red blush.
"Why not?" He said whining.
"Because I wanna go shopping! We can do what ever you wanna do later but for now let's go shopping!" I said grabbing my things walking towards the door.
"Kitten. I'm sorry. Let's go shopping." He says following me. We walked in silence. When we got to the doors. I said.
"Imma go change into a different outfit. You should change too." I walked into my room. I could hear Shin-shin walk into his. I sighed.
"Hmm what outfit should I wear...." I said walking to my closet.
~Time skip~
25 mins later
I finally found a outfit I liked. ⬇️


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