Everything's good

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Kami POV
I woke up around 1 surrounded by warmth. I soon realized it was Shin-shin. A sharp pain shot threw my back. Oh right..... The memories of last night flooded my thoughts.
"Mornin' Kitten." He startled me. I thought he was asleep.
"Morning Shin-shin." He began gently rubbing my hips.
"You hurt?"
"Yeah, kinda. It's not short-circuit hurt but it not a pillow fell on me. Kinda like I ran into a wooden table."
"You're so weird. But that's why I love you." I blushed at his words.
"I love you too. Now come on I'm hungry! And I can't get up."
"Ok." He let go of me and sat up. "You need me to carry you?" He stood up and walked over to my side of the bed.
"Yes!" I reached out to grab him.
"Let's get dressed first." I then realized that we're both naked.
"Yeah, I guess we should." We got our clothes on. Shin-shin dressed me because I didn't want to move. He then picked me up and started walking to the kitchen. Mina and Kiri were in there.
"Ya go a little too hard on the baby?" Mina said. Shin-shin set me in a chair.
"I'm not a baby." I said pouting.
"Sure.. Also, you guys probably shouldn't be out of your guys' rooms for too long... Bakubabe wants to 'talk' to Shinsou." Kiri said. Oh right..... They heard.....
"Well while we're still alive. What do you want to eat." Shin-shin asked.
"For my last meal. I'd like toast, eggs and coffee. Also, my last wish is that I die being cuddled." I said half-joking half not. Shin nodded and began making me food.
"After you eat I deeply suggest that you hide...." Mina said.
"Yeah but I don't want mine or Shin-shins doors burned or exploded by an angry pom..." I said laying my head on the table.
"Yeah. I completely understand. I made Bakudad mad once by almost burning the kitchen. Thankfully Mom-Shima stopped him." Mina said. I think Kiri sighed.
"He was so mad. I had to literally hold pin him down."
"I bet neither of you hated that~"
"Mina!" She began laughing. Kiri 'yelled' at her some more.
"Here ya go kitten." Shin-shin said barely loud enough for me to here. I looked up at him and smiled.
"Thank you." While I ate my food, Shin-shin and I talked. I heard footsteps... I'm silently praying that it's not Baku.... But based on the looks on Kiri and Minas faces it is. Or a 3 headed centaur. And I really want it to be the centaur.
"Hey... Bakubabe.." Shit.
"Hey Kirishima." He said getting coffee then walking towards the table. He sat in front of me and Shin-shin.
"So. It's not a secret that you guys fucked and are in a relationship. But Shinsou if you hurt Kaminari in any way I will personally kill you with my bare hands." He then stood up and walked out.
"That went surprisingly well...." Mina said.
"Yeah.. when we started dating it was worse."
"No it wasn't. With the questions, all I had to deal with was a death glare but that was a complete death threat."
"I'd never do anything to hurt you."
"I know. Now let's cuddle for the rest of the day!"
10 years later
Shin POV
"Denki. I have known you ever since the UA sports festival. At first I thought you were loud and annoying. But when I got transferred to 1-A I realized that you weren't that annoying. We had some hard times that year. Me being yelled at by 3 different people for liking you. You being part cat. It was hard but I wouldn't have given it up for anything. You are the best thing that happened to me. And I hope that I'm the best thing that happened to you. I can't even begin to imagine what our future will be together but I can't wait." I said holding his hands, looking into his eyes. He was starting to cry.
"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom." Soon as the priest stopped talking I wrapped my arms around Denki's waist and kissed him. I could hear people cheering but all I could focus on is my handsome hubby.
Time skip to bouquet throwing
Kiri POV
"Everyone ready?" Kami asked most of the people around me said yeah.
"3" I was expecting him to throw it but he turned around and started walking towards the group. Everyone moved away from me. What's happening. Kami handed me the bouquet.
"Wha-?" Before I could finish I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was. It was Katsuki. I turned to face him completely.
"Wha-" He started getting down on one knee.
"Eijrou. You are the best thing in the world. You make everyone around you happy. You make me so happy. I can't imagine my life without you so will you spend the rest of your life with me." He opened a little black box with a ring inside.
"Kirishima Eijrou, will you marry me?" I could tell I was crying.
"Kat.." I couldn't form full words.
"Y-yes." The next 5 minutes were a blur. I remember sitting next to my Bestfriend and Fiance.
Kami POV
I'm so happy for everyone. Kiri and Baku are engaged. Shin-shin and I are married. Mina is in a relationship with Uraraka and Tsu. Sero is dating Iida. I lean my head on Shin-shins shoulder. It's kinda hard since he's taller than me.
"I love you Shin-shin."
"I love you too, My Electric Lover."


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