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Important note at the end
Kami POV
I woke up to an alarm clock going off. I opened my eyes to see that it's 7. I walked to my room. I got into my uniform and made my way to the kitchen. I made myself some toast and walked to the living room. Bakugou was watching TV.
"Hey Pikachu" he said.
"Hey Bakugou" I said sitting on the couch.
~Time skip to after school cause I'm bored and lazy~
After school
Someone decided that it would be a good idea to have a karaoke night. This should be fun. I thought it was a good idea. But Iida didn't think so.... So we couldn't have it in the gym or anywhere outside the dorms. But we managed to be allowed to have it in the living room. And since Iida didn't really want it not very many people will probably be there. Probably only the Baku squad will show up. Welp I'm just gonna wait until later. I'm kinda hungry. Welp.
3rd POV 
Kami walked to the kitchen. Baku, Kiri, and Mina were in there.
"Hia Kami" Kiri said.
"Hey" he responded.
"You coming to karaoke?"
"Yeah" He said walking to the fridge and getting a pudding cup. Sero walked in just as Kami went to get a spoon.
"Hey Kami" Sero said
"Hello." He responded not looking at him. Kiri looked at Sero with worry. Kaminari walked out of the kitchen.
"What did you do to him? He's never this mad!" Kiri said.
"I may have been a little bit to pushy." Sero said sitting down. Kiri sighed.
"Tonight we are having a karaoke party thing. Kami will be there. Show up and try to make up." Kiri said.
Time skip provided by human Pikachu
Kami POV
At the karaoke party thing
My guess was correct so far only the Baku squad is here. Welp I hope that Shin-Shin will be here. Kiri is the only one who has sang. Mina is picking a song. Baku is in the kitchen doing something. A few minutes later Mina picked this song⬇️

Once she sang Sero walked in and sat down next to me. Kiri looked at us then said as baku came in with drinks.
"Hey Sero ya wanna sing something?"
"Sure" He chose this song⬇️

About half way threw the song Shin-Shin came in and sat down next to me. When Sero finished he sat on the floor and glared at Shin-Shin.
"Umm Kami do you wanna sing something?" Mina said. I nodded then chose this song.⬇️

Everyone was quiet as I sat back down next to Shin-shin.
"Umm Shinsou do you wanna sing something?" Kiri said.
"Sure" he said choosing this song⬇️

Once he finished he sat down next to me.
"Can we have face off?" Sero asked.
"If both people want to sure." Kiri said.
"Shinsou? Wanna go?" Sero said.
"Why not." He said. ⬇️

~shape of you: Shin-shin  Mercy: Sero~
Once they were done they both sat next to me(he's in the middle and Shin's on the right and Sero's on the left).
"My turn!" Bakugou said. Then began to sing this.⬇️

When Baku finished he sat next to Kiri who was smiling.
"Can I go?" I ask. Mina and Kiri nodded.
I sang this song⬇️

I sat down. Then Mina got up to sing. ⬇️

After she finished, Kiri got up and sang.⬇️

Then sat back down next to Baku. Shin-shin stood up and sang.⬇️

He sat next to me. Then Sero stood up to sing.⬇️

Then sat down.
"We have time for one more song, Baku,Kiri or Kami. One of you" Mina said. Baku and Kiri didn't want to so I did and I sang this.⬇️

After I sang I walked to the kitchen to get something to eat before going to sleep. Someone walked into the kitchen. I didn't pay attention because I was getting a pudding cup. When I turned around and saw Sero 2 feet away from my face I was kinda confused.
"What do you want?"
"I can't be in the kitchen?" He replied.
"You can but you don't need to be 2 feet away from my face." I said beginning to walk to get a spoon, but Sero pulled me close to him.
"So I can be closer?" He whispered in my ear. I tried to push him away.
"No. I mean that you should be more than 3 feet away."
"But why? The only reason I came out of my room is for you~"
"Go back then." I said elbowing his stomach. Then getting a spoon. I walked out of the kitchen. I walked to my room. When I got in there I changed into a fox onesie then ate my pudding. I heard a quiet knock on my door.
"If you're Sero, leave I don't wanna talk to you right now." I said.
"I'm not Sero. So can I come in?" The person said.
"I do I know that Sero's not out there with you?"
"I literally had a argument with him the other day. Kami let me in." I realized who it was and opened the door.
"Sorry Shin-Shin! It's just that something happened with Sero and I don't want to talk to him."
"It's fine. Did you wanna talk about it?"
"Sure" I said dragging him in my room. We sat on my bed. "I went into the kitchen to get a snack. When I went in there and had my pudding cup and was about to get a spoon. He came in and pulled me close to him and wouldn't let go." Shin-shin growled.
"You're gonna stay here and cuddle me. So you won't hurt anyone." I said pulling him down on my bed. "Let's sleep I'm tired."
"Ok kitten. I'll stay here." He said wrapping his arms around me. I nuzzled him.
"Night Shin-shin!"
"Night kitten" Soon we both went to sleep.
Hey guys sorry for being a bit late with this chap. I kinda couldn't think of anything. So yeah. If it kinda seemed rushed I'm so sorry.

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