Shane (chpt 1)

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Hi! My names Massey Jordan. My friends call me "Mj". I'm a 28 y/o artist. I used to live in Erie, Pennsylvania, but I just moved out to LA to stay with my best friend, Justine. I decided to take this plunge of a move because I'm hoping to start over. Meet new people, try to regain trust. And also, get my career going. I left everything at my small town. Friends, family, and even my belongings. I only brought clothes, stuff for my hygiene, some stuffed animals, and a couple other things.

Anyways, today Justine has work and she invited me to go with her, but I declined. I thought I'd explore our neighborhood. Besides, she got off work at 5anyways, and it's 3 right now.

I started by walking down Marconi St, taking a look around where I'm going to be staying for a little while. I got a little overwhelmed and decided to go back home.

To be honest, our apartment was really nice. Nicer than my home. I loved it.

My phone dinged

Justine:Hey! Just to let you know, a couple friends from work and I are going to grab a bit to eat after work. Would you like to come?"

Uh, sure. Should I look fancy or something?

Justine: Nah, dress casual. We're just going out for subs.

Okay. See you later.

I still had an hour left. I went to my room, and threw on black ripped skinny jeans, and a grey and red flannel, that I left unbuttoned with a grey shirt underneath. I put my white vans by the door, then relaxed and decided to do my hair later.

Justine: I'm off work. Coming to get you! I hope you like my friends! Also, Cami will be there. See you soon 🙂

Cami is Justine's girlfriend, which is pretty cool in my eyes. I ship them so much.

Anyways, I went to the bathroom and put my wavy brown hair into a messy bun, then washed my face. I didn't want to look drowsy. I grabbed my drawstring bag and put my wallet, portable phone charger, deodorant, and some gum in the bag. I went to the door, put on my shoes and walked out of our apartment to wait outside.

She finally pulled up. Tinted ass windows, so I couldn't see who all was inside.

She rolled down her window and screamed, "GET IN! RIGHT SIDE."

So I walked around and got in.

As I got in, I saw two unfamiliar guys. They both looked at me and smiled. The tall one with brown hair waved. I waved back. Cami was in the front seat, and Justine was driving.

"Yo, Massey! This is Ryan and Shane. I work with them. Boys, introduce yourselves!" Justine said, speeding off.

"Hi, I'm Ryan, and this tall dude is Shane," I shook both their hands, "we work with Justine at Buzzfeed. She's one of our editors for our videos we do." The one named Ryan said, smiling.

"Yeah she also runs camera sometimes. She's a brave son of a bitch." The Shane guy said, in remark to Ryan.

"Well, I'm Massey. Some people call me 'Mj'. I've been friends with Justine since we were younger. She's like a sister to me." I said, glancing at Justine in the review mirror.

"Where did you come from, Massey?" Shane said.

"Erie. Erie, Pennsylvania." I replied, smiling.

"Why did you decide to come here then?" They both asked.

"She probably doesn't feel comfortable answering that right now," Cami said from the front seat, turning around and making a fist, "Bump it Little Mj." Cami is one year older than me, but i fist bumped it.

"We get it. You can always tell us when you feel comfortable and trust us." Ryan said with a smile. Shane smiled too.

"Cool, thanks for understanding." I said with a dorky smile at them both.

"We're here! Everyone unload!" Justine said.

We walked in to Subway, and got our subs. I always got a Spicy Italian, toasted, with pepper jack cheese, lettuce, banana peppers, and chipotle southwest sauce. Once everyone ordered and got their food, we all sat down and chatted.

"So, what did you bring with you, Mj?" Cami said.

"Just clothes, some other stuff, but you know what I definitely brought with me." I said, taking a bite of my food.

"What is it?" Ryan asked

"It's a glass cube. Has a butterfly made of bubbles on it. Her brother gave it to her." Justine replied.

"It's important to me. My brother, Landon, gave it to me, a couple days before he passed away." I said, casually.

"I'm so sorry. I can see why it's important." Shane said, seeming a little sad at what I said.

"Nono, it's okay. I've mourned my time. I can talk about it now. But the item has sentimental value to me." I said, reassuring him it was okay.

We all continued to talk, I learned about what Shane and Ryan did at Buzzfeed, and also what Cami and Justine did. Shane kept glancing over at me and smiling. He's pretty cute. Buuuut, he's probably just being friendly, yknow? Shane, Ryan, and I exchanged our number and social media, so we could talk whenever and whatnot.

"Jay, we ready to go?" I asked Justine.

"Sure thing. We have to drop Those three off at their apartments and then we'll head off, Alright? All aboard, everyone! J-train leaves in 5!" She said, throwing her trash away, and heading out to the car.

We all finally got in the car, and headed home. We small talked the entire way to Cami's. Apparently Cami and Ryan live on the same street, so we dropped them off at the start of their street. Next off was Shane's apartment. When we got there, he outstretched his arm, and I shook his hand.

"It was nice meeting you, see you sometime soon." He said, getting out of the car and waving goodbye.

Before he closed the door, I said, "Nice meeting you too!" And I got out and walked to the front seat.

Justine and I drove off home. We got there around 8:30. We stayed out to eat for almost 3 hours.

We got out of the car, and walked in the apartment door. We said our good nights, then went to our rooms. We had a 3 bedroom apartment, so the third one is just an office right now, with a bed.

I read my usual time (actually I got through half the book of the last Harry Potter) and then I went to bed, thinking about Shane.

A/n: hey guys! I'll update whenever! Also, just so I don't get hate, I respect both Shane's relationship AND Ryan's relationship. This is simply because I wanted to write this. I hope you enjoy my little novels 💖💖 also, feedback would be nice 🙂🙂

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