Shane (chpt 7)

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We went to downtown LA. He parked his car, and we started to walk around.

"So, tell me about yourself." He said

"Well, as you know, I'm a painter. My father got me into it when I was really young. I love music, all genres really. I love photography too, I took a class on it in high school and was number one in my class. Also, I love pets. Back at home I have a pit bull, and also a snake. I rescued Seaweed a couple years back. I found him on the beach, hence the name Seaweed. The snake, I actually let my sister name. 'Mr. Snake' such a weird name but I love it." I said, glancing up at him with a dorky ass smile.

I asked about him and he told me a lot. Which made me happy. We went and got a bite to eat, and then sat by this really nice fountain.

"So, any past relationships I should know about?" He said, nudging me.

"Well, I mean, the only one that actually matters is Xandar." I said, looking down at my food.

"Would you like to talk about it? If not, I understand." He replied back, setting his hands down at his side and relaxing in the nice shine of the sun.

"I'll tell you, but it gets kinda sad."

"Okay." He said, giving me his full attention.

"I dated Xandar for almost 6 years. It was on and off until a year ago. In the beginning, he was really nice. Cared for me, supported me with what I was passionate about. You know, things couples are supposed to do. But around a year and a half in, he started becoming distant, ignorant. Then 3 years in, he became violent. I had bruises on my arms due to him grabbing me very hard and not letting go. He abused me sexually too. He broke my nose a couple times. It got so bad, that I ended up with a broken rib.I finally got the courage to leave him. But he kept coming back, and I'd actually believe that he changed. But he never did. He just got better at lying. But now, I'm trying to get better at communicating and also trusting. But yeah, that's the only relationship that would really matter." I said looking down, trying not to cry at the memories of the past.

"By what you just told me, I feel like you trust me. And I won't break that trust, Massey. I'm sorry you went through that," he came closer to me, and held me, "I'll keep you safe. Nothing like that will happen again when I'm around. I promise." I leaned my head against his chest and took a deep breath.

"I know it won't. You just give off that vibe that you're a caring guy, and I think that's why I like you, a lot." He readjusted his arms, and I felt comfortable. Never have I ever been so happy. And this was just the beginning. I could tell.

We sat and talked about a lot; like our favorite movies, foods, and colors. And what we dislike too. We walked around more, and he showed me some really cool buildings, statues, landmarks, etc. It became around 6, and we left for dinner. I don't remember the name of the restaurant, but wow, it sure as hell was beautiful.

"Wow, this place is gorgeous!" I gasped at the drawings on the ceiling and the chandelier.

"It doesn't compare to you. You are much more gorgeous," He said looking at me with a smile, "let's go find our table."

We sat down, ordered, and waited. We chatted, talking about our greatest fears and greatest aspirations. I had both my hands down on the table while listening, and he grabbed them up, gently. My heart skipped some beats, and without knowing, I was staring at him, daydreaming. He is so cute. Our food finally came, and I snapped out of it.

We ate, and then he took us back to his place. I sat down on his couch, and he asked what I wanted to watch, and I said something scary. This man put in fucking IT. He came to sit down, and sat right next to me. Now, I hate It. So let me tell you, I was in his arms the entire time, scared for my life. Which was probably why he chose IT. I was being a scaredy-cat, but I think he found it cute.

After the movie, I asked what he wanted to do, go to my house or stay here.

"It's up to you. Either is fine with me." He said.

A sudden wave of love came over me, and I looked at him, deep in the eyes, then kissed him. "Let's stay here." I said, in a heavy voice.


And we continued. I stood up, stretched, and he did too. After, we came close. He grabbed my waist, pulled me close to him, looked at me deep into my eyes then at my lips, then grabbed my face, and leaned in slowly to kiss me. My face reddened, my heart pounded. Being in his arms was amazing. Because I knew that I was going to be okay.

So yeah, I felt like a total idiot when I remember what Justine said. Because I knew we weren't going to do that.

After Shane kissed me, I said I was tired. It was 10 anyways. So, I asked if he had any baggy t-shirts and shorts. Luckily enough, he did. I went to his room, laid down on his big bed, as did he, and we fell asleep cuddling. After the day we had, it was really nice. I learned a lot about him, and he learned a lot about me. So for the first time in a while, I felt comfortable and safe. In his arms. Falling into a deep sleep, and love.

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