Shane (chpt 4)

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We looked at each other, deep into the eyes. And our heads came closer together, but didn't touch as to both of us realizing what was happening, and looked away.

"I'd like to go on a hunt with you guys. I thought about the offer. I'll do it." I said, looking back at him.

"Really! That's great!" He smiled then got up to look out the window, because we started hearing rain.

"It's storming, isn't it?" I asked, getting up to look out too.

"Yeah, the roads are soaked and I doubt Ryan wants to come get me. He drove me here due to the fact that I got a flat tire." He said, sitting back down on the couch.

"It's okay if you stay, I don't mind and Justine sure don't mind." I said laughing.

"Where would I sleep?" He asked.

"The couch, or the guest bedroom." I said nodding to the third room.

"Okay, I'll stay. But, can I take a shower?"

"Sure, I'll show you where." He got up and followed me to the guest bedroom, I got him some plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt, then led him to the restroom he could use.

I went to my room, got into my pajamas, and then grabbed my dirty laundry so I could put a load in the wash.

I walked out just as Shane walked out of the restroom. In only a towel, exposing his chest. He rushed into the guest bedroom, and I'm assuming he felt super embarrassed too. I blushed so hard and looked away as soon as possible. "Woah, okay, I'm sorry." I said, going to the laundry room.

He came out, in pjs and said "hey, erm.. sorry about that."

"It's okay, I didn't see anything so it's all cool."

We continued to small talk until midnight and then went to our rooms. I fell asleep immediately, and I'm assuming he did too.

*knock knock knock* I heard on my door.

"Shane? What time is it?" I said turning my light on, getting up, and opening the door.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I wanted to know if you had any plans for Saturday? I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, and I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out to eat." He said, in a low, sleepy voice.

"I don't think I have any plans," I yawned, went out into the hallways and closing my door, heading for the couch. I sat down, "Yeah, I'll go." I looked at the clock; 3:17.

Shane followed, sat down next to me, and reclined in the recliner part end of the couch. I grabbed a blanket for him and one for me. I laid down on the couch and closed me eyes, my head towards him, almost touching his lap.

"Cool." He said, falling back to sleep.

"I can't wait." I said, very quietly, shutting my eyelids, falling into a dream.

I woke up to Justine walking in. I made sure not to move, so Cami wouldn't know I was awake. I heard a camera click, then footsteps to her room.

I shuffled on the couch, and realized I wasn't perpendicular to Shane, but cuddling with him. I never felt so shocked but safe. I was still half asleep, so I didn't really comprehend what I was doing, and I put my arm around him. I nuzzled my head into his side, and fell back asleep, again.

"Wake up, lovebirds!" I heard a familiar voice say, as they threw pillows at us. It was Ryan?

"Get up! It's almost 1! How long did you stay up? Massey Jordan and Shane Madej wAKE UP NOW!" Justine yelled at us, like we were little kids in trouble. But I knew she was being sarcastic. She got a kick out of this.

I let go of Shane and groaned as I sat up, "Okay you guys can shut up now."

"Agreed," said Shane, sitting back up, making the couch go back to normal, "they're screaming like parents."

"Well maybe you shouldn't be cuddling, AND still asleep till 1!" Justine said with a smirk.

"It's not like we knew that we were." I snapped back.

His eyebrows raised a little, and we both knew we were. We didn't mind that we did, I liked it. I just hope he did.

"Well, go get changed, we have plans today. Ryan, take Shane home so he can get ready for whatever. Byeeee guys." Justine said, going to her room.

"Alright Shane, lets go." Ryan said, walking out the door.

Shane got up, walked over to me, and handed me my book.

"Thank you for letting me read it. I loved it." He said, smirking.

"Thank you," I took the book, "Text me sometime?" I said, clinging onto my book.

"I will." He smiled, walked to the door, and waved. Then he left.

I went to my room, and started drawing. I had nothing to do all day today. But, in two days, I have a 'date'.

An hour or two flew by, and I finished my drawing of Tyler Joseph (lead singer of Twenty One Pilots).

I finally just put on Thor: Ragnarok, and chilled for a little while. I love Marvel so much.

Phone dinged

                           Shane 🚀

Shane: Hey, um, so can we talk about last night?

There's nothing to really talk about. But okay, yeah.

Shane: I'm sorry for waking you up in the middle of the night, asking you to dinner. Then sleeping on the couch with you. 

It's okay! I'm excited for dinner with you. And... I didn't mind the cuddling.

Shane: Really?

Yeah 😊 it was nice and for the first time in a while I felt safe. Hopefully.. we can do it again soon?

Shane: Okay. I'm going to eat right now. I'll talk to you later!

Fuck, dude. I sound stupid. Who asked that? Seriously, Massey. What's going on in that head of yours? I put my phone down, took my medicine, then fell asleep. It was only 9:30, so, I crashed quickly and woke up the next morning smiling like a big idiot.

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