Shane (chpt 11)

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He was driving to the Hollywood sign, to show me how nice the view is. Explaining to me what all we were going to see before we head back to his house. He was taking me to the sign, then taking me to some statues (because I'm interested in some history and also just seeing LA gives me inspiration for some drawings) and then to the beach. I didn't wear a suit and neither did he. So I don't think we're swimming.

But, the sign was so big! He took my picture as I posed weirdly for a picture. And then we looked at the big city. I seen planes fly across the sky, cars driving around the city, and all in all, it was a cool site.

Then he took our picture at a statue or two, a couple hours had started to go by abc the sun started to set. We headed for the beach. As I was walking, I looked out as golden hour was upon. And I seen him get down and take what sounded like a hundred pictures. Finally, he said he was going to set his phone down on a bench and take one of us. We posed, but suddenly, he pulled me in, touching our foreheads and holding me around my waist, and then the camera clicked.

We sat and watched the sunset, it was so beautiful. The wind settled down finally, and he pushed my hair back behind my ear. Because let's be honest, my hair was a hot mess because of that damned wind.

I looked at him, the last of the sunlight going down behind the horizon, and I kissed him deeply. He grabbed my waist, picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around him. He carried me to the car, I got in, and he made a quick call to Ryan. Reaaaaaaaaal discreet, huh? I made sure I couldn't hear him. Because I technically didn't want to know yet.

He got in, and started to drive to his house. Driving with one hand on the wheel, and the other in my hand. I didn't want him to notice that I was staring at him the entire time. So I kept looking off and around his neighborhood as we arrived.

We got out, and he unlocked his door. He turned on the light and I could see candles were lit, and in his kitchen some plates were gathered, and dinner was just made. I had a feeling they all were still here somewhere waiting for the perfect time to run out.

We sat our stuff down, went out to the kitchen and gathered dinner to eat. As we sat down, I yelled out to the creaking floorboards "THANK YOU" and one of the floorboards replied "YOU'RE WELCOME" and then I heard the door open and close.

He looked a little red and so did I.

"Do you like it? I asked Cami what you liked and she said General Tao's. So she made it." He said looking at me. We sat next to each other, so we could playfully fight if we wanted to.

"Heck yeah I like it! It soooooo good!" I untied my flannel, and put it on, because it was a little chilly. We picked up conversation, and it was all romantic-ish. I didn't mind that he melts my heart, yknow. Every time I look at him, I get butterflies.

As we finished eating, his hand went on my thigh, and I put my hand on his. We faced each other now. We looked at each other, and then I leaned in to kiss him again. He kissed back, and went to move his hand to my waist, but he felt my scars, and stopped to look down.

"If you want to know what they are, ask." I said firmly.

"Are these from," he paused, looked deeply into my eyes and finished his sentence, "you or him?"

"Mostly from myself," I replied looking down. I started to play with my hands, "I was always so upset with myself that I kept going back."

He used his finger to lift up my chin to see me. You could see my eyes kinda getting glazed. And I almost started crying. But he pulled me into one of the warmest, caring hugs I've ever received.

"I care about you, a lot. And I hope you never go through something like that again. If you ever feel that way, come to me. Because I'm always gunna be there for you." He said, still hugging me.

"I know." I said quietly as I had wrapped my hands around him. He picked me up again, my god I love that, and took me to the couch. Where he had a couple movies sprawled out so I could pick. So I chose one, he put it in, and we sat together, cuddling. Halfway through the movie, I heard him say, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I looked up at him, to see him smiling at me, and I sprung up, I climbed onto him, and I kissed him.


We went to his room..

************time skip lol************

It was the next morning. I woke up in my boyfriends arms. He was still fast asleep (or so I thought). I couldn't help but rest my head back onto his chest, and let out a deep breath. That's when he said, "Good morning beautiful."

My heart literally stopped. I looked up at him, "Morning Shane."

"How was your night?"

I leaned back onto his chest and replied, "Didn't sleep much. But when I did, it was good."

"Me too."

We got up, changed, and went to my house. As we walked in, we saw all three immediately crane their heads to see us. Ryan, Cami, and Justine all started 'woo'ing for us. We kinda smiled and I said "Losers" and we sat down, holding hands. And I never felt more safe, comfortable, and I felt something that I never knew I could feel. Was it love?

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