Shane (chpt 2)

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I woke up around 10 the next morning. I stretched, got out of bed, put my hair up in a bun, and walked out into the living room. To my surprise, Jj (Justine), Shane, and Cami we're sitting there, chatting. That's when I realized I had a dream about him last night, and now he's gunna see me, in my Star Wars pj shirt and fuckin black shorts.

"Hey, Mj," Cami said, not realizing I have my glasses on (they are big circle glasses, but kinda cute in a way), in pjs, and my hair in a messy bun, "Woah, buddy. You look like you were up all night."

I sat down on one of our leather chairs, sitting with my legs up, "I was up until 1, reading the Deathly Hallows." Shane chuckled at that.

"Is that why you were crying?" Justine asked, throwing a pillow at me.

"I was not crying," I exclaimed, "I was simply crying Harry's tears for him. Draco's mom saved Harry for her boy." I said with an eye roll.

"Well, are you passionate about reading?" Shane asked.

Cami scoffed, "Do you really have to ask her? Do you SEE her wardrobe?" And she let out a huge chuckle, as did Jj.

"Yeah, I like to read and watch movies. I'm a fan girl." I said, fixing my glasses.

"That's cool! Sometime soon all of us should have a marathon night! Cami, Justine, you, me, and Ryan!" He replied, very ecstatic.

"Sounds cool to us, as long as Mj's on board, and Ryan, we can schedule for next week!" Justine said.

"I'm cool with it." I said. Shane and I smiled at each other.

"I'm going to go change for the day, I'll be back shortly. I'm also taking a shower." I got up, and walked to my room.

I took my shower, and laid on my bed with only a towel on. I picked out the days clothes before hand, so now I only had to dry off. As I was laying down, I heard a piece of paper slide under the door. I got up and retrieved it. It wrote:
Hey, I hope to hear from you soon about that marathon! I already asked Ryan and he said he's cool with it. Text us soon!

The note had a smiley face at the end, it made me feel like we were in 5th grade. Playing pass the note.

The Boys 👻 (gc)

Hey! It's Massey (Mj). I created the group chat so we can talk about movie choices and whatnot. You can also text me whenever. I hope y'all have a great day!

Ryan: Hey! Glad to see Shane got the message relayed. Didn't think you'd text 😂

Shane: That's rude, at least I'm decent and came here this morning. Also, Massey, what's taking so long? We're B O R E D out here.

I'm almost done. Give me a few minutes.

Ryan: Well damn, alright. Talk later 🙄

Shane: See you soon

I got dressed and let my medium length, wavy, brown hair down. Today's choice of clothes: Black converse, leggings, and a white t-shirt that said "Space Jams" with the logo on it.

I walked out, and sat down on the couch, opposite side of Shane. He saw my outfit, smiled, shook his head and looked back at Cami and Justine banter back and fourth on an acceptable dinner date for them.

                              Shane 🚀

Shane: Hey!

Hey, so why did you come? It's not even 11 am yet.

Shane: I was invited over, so was Ryan, but he's busy at work right now. Recording over a part for Unsolved. Probably also looking for ghosts. They aren't real!

Okay, how do you explain all the paranormal stuff? There's lots of evidence supporting that ghosts are real!

Shane: Wind. Old floor boards. Gravity. There's lots of reasons for creepy noises and things moving.

You just don't want to admit that you could be wrong.

Shane: And where do you stand? Believer or Non-believer? Or on Ryan and I's series, a shaniac or a boogara?

I honestly don't know. I think I'm in between right now. I don't believe but I don't disbelieve. Like, I have to see something to believe it.

Shane: Whatever you say, buddy.

I put my phone down and asked them if they all wanted to go grab lunch. They agreed and I said I'd pay.

We went to Olive Garden, because that was my dads favorite restaurant back at home. I ordered, and then they all did too. I got a steak and a Caesar salad. It was by far my favorite. 

"So, Jj, how long have you known Shane and Ryan?" I asked, taking a bite of my food after.

"Since I started at Buzzfeed. I got to know a lot of people, and then when I started editing their videos, and sometimes filming, that's when the boys and I became friends." She said, looking over at Shane and making a funny face.

"Yeah, she was sort of shy when she moved out here. That may surprise you due to the fact that she's so outgoing. Don't know if you guys have ever met the shy-J, but she was one weird ass gal." I said, chuckling.

"Oh no, we've seen it," Cami said, "she was shy to all of us for almost two months! But she eventually put her trust in most of us." She said, bopping Justine's nose.

"Hey, I'm not complaining about her being shy or anything, because I'm the same way," I said, getting glances from all of them, "Alright alright. I'm not as shy as she was. But you get the point."

"Just be you, that's the best thing to be. It's how you can get past being shy, and anxiety. Justine got that and finally trusted the team. Hopefully soon you can see that you can trust us too, if you already don't." Shane said, giving me a little smile.

We all finished our food, and then separated to go back to our homes to get ready for the day.

When Justine and I got home, I put on grey sweatpants and a black tank top, then grabbed the first book I got; Dancing with Flowers by Landon Jordan, my brother.

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