Shane (chpt 8)

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We woke up, I had a big ass smile on my face. I didn't mind that he saw me right now, because I didn't care how I looked. I was definitely having the best time of my life.

"Good morning," I said, moving my head up to look at him, "did you sleep well?"

"I should be asking you that considering you're at my house. But yes, I slept well. Did you?" He said in a sleepy voice.

"Yeah, I did. I never slept that good, well, maybe since I was a kid." I chuckled, sitting up.

He sat up as well, yawned, and then grabbed me into a hug and fell back. It caused me to laugh, and him giggle.

"Do you not want to wake up yet?" I said looking at him and studying his features.

"I do, but I just don't want this moment to end right now. I'm happy." He said, snuggling up to me

"Me either." I got my hands free, and brought one up to play with his hair. I was happy that he was happy. It was one of the best nights/mornings I've had for over 6 years. He was so charming, funny, and just a nice person.

"We go hunting tomorrow," His voiced was muffled by the baggy shirt I was wearing, "Are you scared?" He said, turning his head to look at me.

"I don't feel anxious about it right now, but probably when we show up to the location tomorrow, I will be."

"Most if it's bogus anyways. If you're scared, I'll be there by you."

An hour later, we both finally got up. He went out to get breakfast, then came back with a breakfast burrito for me and one for him too. He poured himself a glass of ICED MILK, which I judged him secretly but I didn't mind it too much. I've definitely had weirder combos of food. But, anywhoooo.

We got ready for the day, but stayed at his house to just stay together. We laid down on the couch to cuddle, and he put on whatever I wanted to watch (b99). We stayed like that for a little bit, until Justine and Cami showed up, checking if I was still alive.

"Christ, girl! No text, no call! Just stayed here?" Cami said, a little annoyed.

"You're not my mom, Cam. But I get it, I should have said something." I replied

"I'm glad you had a great night, though. I haven't seen you this smiley and happy for a while" Jj said.

"Me too." I looked at Shane and blushed. He smirked and gave me a forehead kiss.

"Wanna go home yet?" He asked me.

"Not really, but they probably want me to." I said glancing over at both my wanna be moms.

"Let's go! Load up." Cami said.

Shane walked me to his door, pulled me in for a hug, and then kissed me goodbye. I'd see him tomorrow, but I didn't want to leave him. I got in, rolled down the window, and waved as we drove off.

The car ride was pretty much then two asking if we did anything. They both didn't believe me when I said no, which I get. But, still. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ I cant believe they interrupted tho. Like really? I wanted to stay in his arms. Safe, comfortable, and just so happy.

I got home and ate lunch. Listening to Cami and Justine talk about work schedules, car trips, and also rent. Because Cami is moving in! I'm excited about it, extremely.

I went into my room, looked at my desk, and took Shane's advice. I turned my Insta profile public, and started posting pictures of my drawings. I think I may have uploaded 4 or 5, I don't know. Doing this lasted until I fell asleep at 10. I was having a lot of fun as the comments started flooding in. The last one I posted was the sunflower, and I tagged Shane in it. His fans started liking and commenting.

I captioned it with: "Hey man, teamwork can result in amazing pieces!"

shanemadej liked your photo

shanemadej: You finally posted it!

Username83: wait what?! Ok I ship them

ryanbergara liked your photo

ryanbergara: @ username83 Same

I got a lot of attention from my pictures. And then, I decided to delete off the sad posts, the ones that aren't of me or anything I've taken photos of.

I went from 500+ followers to almost 2k overnight. This gave me so much anxiety. Why though? I was becoming known for my artwork AND being friends with Shane and Ryan. I was becoming known for myself, which made me happy.

I woke up the next morning in a panic. AHHHHHHHHHH. What was I going to do during the hunt. Would I actually be in the video? At all? I called Shane.

"Hi! So I have some questions about today."
"Okay, shoot em."
"Will I be in the video?"
"Do you want to be?"
"I want to go with you guys, but I don't wanna draw more attention to me and also ruin the episode."
"Well you can stay with Justine, as she will be recording. And if you want, we'll introduce you in the beginning. So they'll know you're there."
"Okay. What time are we leaving?"
"Meet at my house at 2?"
"Okaaaay, I'm excited to see you."
"I'm beyond happy to be able to see you, Mj."
"I'll see you later, bye."
"Bye, gorgeous."

I hung up and melteddddd. I got into the shower, did my usual routine. As well as my face, makeup (the minimal today), and hair, but today I straightened my wavy as hair. As to I wanted to look somewhat okay? I got out, put on jeans with a yellow shirt, and a belt. Then I waited for 2.

Time blew by slowly. But it eventually reached 2. Justine and I got in the car and drove off. She and I packed together, because she knew what I would need. We arrived at Shane's, and I ran in first, giving him the biggest hug ever. And him, with the same enthusiasm, brought me into the most warm, comforting hug.

"Incase you get cold tonight." He handed me a white striped sweater, that I've seen him wear a couple times in the episodes I've watched of Unsolved. I took the sweater, and smiled. Then hugged him again. Why did I feel like such a kid, I'm almost 29!

We got ready, then hopped in the car to go to the place. I still had no idea. We traveled only a few minutes to a hotel named "The Biltmore Hotel".

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