Shane (chpt 6)

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"So what are we going to do?" I said, tapping my fingers on the counter.

"Want to go to my place? Nothing really to do there, but." He offered with a shrug.

I got up, picked up a pillow, inspecting it. "Hey, come look at this."

He got up, came over to me and replied, "What is it?"

I looked at him and then swung the pillow at his side.

"I don't know I just wanted to catch you off guard." I said with a smile.

"Oh that's not fair," he grabbed a pillow too, "This means war."

I ran behind the couch, bearing my pillow above my head. "I'm not screwing around. I'll win!"

"We'll see about that." He started to walk around the couch slowly, causing me to go around too. Finally I jumped across the couch, hitting him with the pillow. He hit me back, knocking me on the couch. I got up, and hit him back, causing him to fall back on the couch as I just did. I got on him and held the pillow above my head, whispering "I won."

We both were breathing heavily, laughing. I got off him, and sat at one end of the couch. He sat up, and we continued chuckling about our pillow fight. We're adults, that just pillow fought. Who were we?

I looked at him, calming down. He turned to look at me. Causing me to smile. "That was fun. Unexpected, but fun."

"I know it was. I can't believe I won!" I said, grinning.

"By default, maybe. But I should have won." He replied, with an eye roll.

I crawled over to him, then sat on my legs. I looked at him, he looked at me. Then our heads came closer, and I kissed him. I felt embarrassed immediately. I backed away, and went back to my spot at the couch.

His face was beat red, so was mine. Then he finally came over to me, grabbed my face, then kissed me again. We stayed like that for a minute or two, honestly I can't tell how long we were kissing. He pulled away, and our hearts were beating rapidly.

"So," I said, "We wanna talk more or keep doing that?" I said in a low voice. He smirked, leaning towards me again, locking our lips.

Justine walked in, and we pulled apart and tried acting casually. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'm going to quickly run to my room."

Shane and I gave each other a look and laughed. Justine came back out and asked, "So when did this happen?"

Shane looked at me, then said, "Nothing has happened yet. We're still.. thinking. We haven't even had our dinner yet!"

We all chatted for a while, then Shane had to go home, because Ryan needed help figuring out the next location for their hunt. I walked him to the door, hugged him, and gave him a quick kiss.

After a while, I texted Ryan,

Ryan Boogara 😱

Did you two decide on a location yet? 🤔

Ryan: Yes! And it's a surprise. Can't go spoiling anything for you yet

How dare you. I'm sure Shane will tell me.

Ryan: Nope. I made him promise. 😂

Ugh. Fine. When are we going?

Ryan: Next Monday. 3 days. You'll need to pack clothes, and we'll provide the rest 🙂

Okay. See you then

I expected my night to go: I stay up, read, text my family, don't go to sleep until midnight. But I actually fell asleep quickly. And when I slept, I dreamt about him.

I woke up the next day at 9. I got all showered up, put on a black jean skirt with a white red flannel tucked into it and also dark red vans. And then I ate breakfast. I got a text from Shane saying:

Shane 🚀

Shane: Hey there, cutie. I'll pick you up around 2. And then we'll go out for dinner. If you want, we can go back to my place and watch a movie. Then I'll drop you back off at home.

Okay. I'll see you in a couple hours 😊

I still had 4 hours left. So, I played on my laptop. I edited some photos of me, watched videos on Youtube for a little bit, then watched some Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Justine walked out of her room at 1, still in pjs. "Jj, the hell happened to you?" I said, pausing b99.

"I couldn't sleep. I even put on Grey's Anatomy. It was a weird night."

"I slept pretty well. I'm sorry you couldn't sleep. Also, I'm going out with Shane today, remember? So I won't be able to come with you to work."

"That's okay. I think I might not go. I'm sick as hell." She said, covering herself up on the couch.

"Alright. Well, I hope your bitch ass gets better." I said smiling at her.

"I hope your bitch ass gets laid tonight." She said looking back at me with a smile.

"WHAT." I looked at her, my face turning red.

"Oh cmon Massey. Cami and I have been almost everyday for the past week and a half. You haven't had any for, what, over a year and a half? Get wild." She said.

"You know there's reasons behind that though." I said, playing b99.

"Yeah, I know. But, just try Mj. I mean, it's completely up to you and him. But, trrryyy."

There was a knock on the door, I looked at her with a serious face, then went to open the door. I opened it up to Shane, standing there, with a big dorky smile on his face.

"Come on in, we can chill here for a while. Don't get to close to Jj though, I don't want you getting sick or anything."

"Okay," he walked in, sat in a chair, and then said "So, Justine, Cami told me you want to film the next episode?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Why?" He said

"So I can be there with Massey. So I know she won't back down."

"I'm not backing down. Plus, if you don't feel better, I won't let you." I said.

Just as Shane and I were about to leave, Justine said, "Get laid!" I turned around, face BEAT RED, And gave her a "What-the-fuck" look. I turned around and walked out to Shane's car. As did he. And we drove off to go site seeing, kinda.

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