Shane (chpt 9)

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We walked up to the front counter, checked in, and went to our room. We dropped our stuff off, then went to the ballroom to record the beginning of the episode.

After the cameras got set up, everyone got into place, they started rolling.

Ryan started the episode off, "This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we're going to investigate the Biltmore Hotel, as part of our on going investigation," he looked into the other camera and said, "are ghosts real?"

Shane looked to another camera and made a frown face and shook his head no.

Ryan continued, "Today were at the Biltmore Hotel. It's a famously haunted building and was also the last known place Black Dahlia was seen alive." He looked at Shane and Shane did a "interesting fact" kinda face.

He went on talking about the history then said, "today we have a special guest, Massey Jordan. She will be helping me prove to bogey brain over here that ghosts, do in fact, exist."

The camera pointed at me and I shook my head.

"HA. Betrayal, Ryan. That's what just happened." Shane said.

"Shut the fuck up," Ryan said, rolling his eyes, "let's go explore the place."

We went to the room the owners told us to, and walked in. As soon as we did, Ryan said "I already have a bad feeling about this."

Shane replied, "You have a bad feeling every time, you fucking wimp."

"Not cool, man." Ryan fires back. We turned on the lights and then panned the camera across the room. It was a really nice hotel. Ryan asked if I wanted to be on camera and I said sure. So the cameras started rolling and we started talking about the history. We got ready a room on the 10th floor.

"So we're staying in a room on the 10th floor. It's reportedly one of the most active places in this hotel, besides the ballroom and the hallway. There's a couch, where Shane will be sleeping, I'm taking one of the beds, and Massey is taking the other." Ryan said pointing to the beds then looking around, "this place is creepy though."

Three knocks happened on the wall and Ryan jumped and screamed, "HOLY SHIT. WHAT WAS THAT?"

Shane and I laughed. Neither of us had a legitimate excuse, but still, it was funny seeing Ryan freak out over (it was probably) just the wooden planks in the wall creaking.

We set out to the ballroom, and the cameras started rolling. This time Shane spoke, "So the clerk said that someone actually captured a photo of two apparitions. I think people's imagination often plays tricks on their minds and makes them see something that actually isn't there."

"You're just full of shit, Shane." Ryan fires back.

"You both just need to see it from a different point of view. What if you captured a photo and TWO FIGURES YOU COULD SEE THROUGH WERE RIGHT THERE," I said. I pointed at Ryan and said, "you'd shit your pants and have a breakdown and Shane would laugh and say it's probably a lens flare."

"What would you do?" Shane asked.

"I don't know. Until I see one in front of my eyes, I don't believe." I shrugged.

They started taking pictures, trying to capture any proof of ghosts. All pictures showed up empty. You could see Ryan have a sense of relief from nothing being there. As we started to leave, we heard footsteps coming in our direction. They sounded like... heels? Ryan freaked out and bolted back to the room, while Shane and I took our time. We walked and he explained to me that those footsteps were total bullshit. Until we got to the 10th floor, he went back into the room and I stayed out in the hallway in front of the door. Waiting for something.

I heard the footsteps. Heels, again. They got closer until they sounded like they were 5 feet away. Then, I got cold, really cold. And the noise stopped in front of me, and I shivered. I didn't see anything, I just heard. I ran inside, freaked out, but trying to brush it off. I had no explanation for that.

"Finally, you're back. Did you find any g-g-g-ghosts?" Shane said with a laugh.

"Matter of fact, I heard the footsteps. They stopped in front of me." I said as I walked over to the bed, laying down and scrolling on my phone.

"Did you really? You don't seem too freaked out?" Ryan said sitting up and looking at me.

"Yeah, but I'm sure it was probably my imagination. I mean, I did get cold."

"Damn. I'm glad I wasn't there." Ryan replies back.

"Me too. You would have been a fucking BABY." I snapped back.

We had casual conversation, and then the crew set up the cameras for the beds. Then they went back to their homes. Because it was around 10 already, and we were in LA. Justine couldn't record because it turned out she was, in fact, sick.

So we turned in, and finally fell asleep. Around 1, the phone rang, startling all of us. We turned on the camera, and Ryan answered, and out on speaker. We could hear a breathing.

"Hello? Who's on the other end?" Shane said.

An eerie voice replied, "Dahlia" then it hung up.

Ryan put the phone back on the receiver, then FREAKED. Shane laughed as to he thought it was definitely a prank call. No one knew we were there, but it was still funny to him. Ryan however, couldn't sleep the entire night. He kept saying he could see something by the door, but neither Shane or I could see it. By far, this hotel was creepy, strange, and weird.

In the morning, we got our stuff, the cameras, filmed a part for the morning, and walked out. As we walked down the stairs, Ryan and I heard a voice. But we didn't want to acknowledge it until we checked out. We all got in the car, and I looked up to in the window to the room we stayed in and I saw someone standing there. "RYAN, SHANE, LOOK!"

They both saw it. It was a woman. Shane said it was a housekeeper probably. But Ryan thought it was a ghost. I however, didn't know. The woman closed the curtain, and we drove off.

Shane took Ryan to his house, and came with me to mine.

"So did you like it? Last night wasn't as eventful as I hoped Ryan would make it." He said as we sat down on my couch.

"What do you mean?"

"Ryan normally freaks out ever everything. But last night he didn't. It kinda makes me nervous."


"Ricky Goldsworth." He said with a smile and laughed.

We sat back, ate breakfast, and then watched the news.

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