Zerrie's Daughter (Zayn malik and perrie edwards fanfic)

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5 days Later.                                              These days were adventurous but also painful. Dad and Mom called a billion times with billions of voice mail messages. They also stopped by Zac's house and kept asking Zac where I was and I hid. I didn't want them knowing that I was here, there was no way I was going back with them. Dad even threatened Zac, saying," If you don't tell me where my daughter is then I swear bad things will happen to you." Zac of course got scared but tried to stand up  to my dad, saying," I'm sorry, Mr. Malik but I don't know where your daughter is. You came to the wrong place." Mom said it in a more nicer way, saying," Zac, Please. I miss, I mean we miss our little girl. If you have any idea where she is, please call us." Zac just nodded and never said another word to them. 4 days Later, Zac and I had to make a plan. We had to stay very uncover and make sure nobody realize's it's us. But besides that, Zac and I had the best time ever. We roller skated, We bought a trampoline, which was Zac's idea, We went out to eat, then we came back home and relaxed and cuddled. Now, Today is Today. The day where we can just relax.


I was on the couch under Zac's Arm. His arm was wrapped around me while my head was in his chest.

"Zac?" I looked up at him. He took his attention off the TV and looked at me. "Yeah?" "I'm hungry." I said, pouting. He chuckled. I sounded like......Niall. Now that I'm thinking about him, I miss him. A lot. In fact, I miss everyone. Zac broke me out of my thought, though. "Christina?" "Oh, Sorry. What were saying?" "I was saying that we should go to Nandos." I smiled, brightly and jumped. "Let's go!" I grabbed his hand and helped him up, trying to make him hurry. I let go and raced out the door running. Zac caught up to me, out of breath. "Slow. Down." He finally got out. "Sorry." I said, laughing.  Walking 15 minutes was a lot and we finally arrived.  I dragged Zac inside while a Waiter gave us our table. We sat down. Zac sat across from me. The waiter gave us the menu and looked at both of us. The waiter looked about our age. He had blonde hair, Bright blue eyes, and Looked tired but tried his best not to make it noticeable. "Hello, my name is Carson. I will be your waiter for the evening." He gave both of us a winning smile. I smiled back and then looked at the menu. "I would like the Chicken Parmasan." I said to him, sweetly. He wrote it down on his notepad. "And what would like to drink?" "Water." Zac looked up at him. "What would you like?" He asked Zac. "Same as her. Even the drink." He said, kindly. "Okay. Your meal with be right up." He said, walking away.

"So, Remember that day your parents stopped by?" Zac said, out of the blue. I nodded slowly. "Uh, Yeah. Why?" "Well, it had me thinking and I think you should go back to your parents." He said, softly. Did he not me to be with him? "You don't want me to live with you?" I questioned with sadness. His eyes softened and he grabbed my hand and caressed it. "No, of course not, Sweetie. I'm just saying your parents really miss you, Christina." He said sternly. I laughed. "No, they don't." "Yes. They do. You should have seen their faces. The terror, The worry. It was so hard lying to them, Crissy." He said, seriously.  I sighed. Maybe He was right but I Still have my second thoughts. "I don't know, Zac." I replied back, shaking my head. "Why don't you know?" He tilted his head and furred his eyebrows together. I huffed. "I don't know If I can trust them." I mumbled. He looked into my eyes. "Why, baby?" "Because I  they always keep telling me lies-" "But the real question is, have you also lied to them?" Zac is so smart. I can't believe I have a boyfriend that is actually smart. I nodded towards him. "Do you think they feel guilty?" He questioned. "They should." I said. "Do you feel guilty?" I looked at him. "Yes." I mumbled. "Do you miss your family?" He asked. I felt a tear. "So much." I replied. I put my head in my hands. "Christina, Look at me." I looked up at him to see a tear in his eye. "You have to remember, You have a loving family who just wants the best for you and wants you to be happy. Think about the kids in the world that don't even have a family. Your lucky. Your whole family, they love you more than anything." He said, calmly.  We stared at each other with complete silence and then our food came. The Carson guy came back with our food. "Here you go." He said, while putting the plates down. We both wiped our faces and Zac departed our hands apart and grabbed his fork. "Will this be all?" Carson asked, giving a bright grin. We gave him a small smile  and gave him the Money. "Thank you so much." I said. "No problem." He said. "Have a good night." Zac said. He thanked us and greeted us back and walked away.

The whole time, it was silent. After that conversation we had, we didn't know what else to say. Zac is right. I have fix things with my family. But I still have my second thoughts about moving back with my family. I put that thought aside and spoke up. "If I work things out with my family and if they let me stay with you then, Can I continue living with you?" I asked, softly not wanting to bug him. He looked up with widened eyes. "I-If you d-don't want me to s-stay with you, I won't?" I said, stuttering. He shaked his head at me. "No! No! I just didn't think you would still want to stay and when you come back from discussing things with your family, I have a surprise for you." He smiled at me. I pushed my plate aside. "Really?" I asked, biting my lip. "Yeah." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Zac, that's so sweet. You didn't have to." I smiled at him. He nodded. "I know but you deserve it for being the best girlfriend ever. I love you so much." He whispered but in a sweet way. I'm so lucky I have him. He's my world. "I love you too." I mouthed. The whole night was amazing. Even though we went through some tears, Zac made me realize things. Things that no one has taught me.

We left the Nandos and walked down the street hand-in-hand. Talking, Laughing and just having fun. "Remember that time when were little and you ran into a pole." Zac said, laughing. I rolled my eyes playful. "So funny." I said sarcastically, giggling. He laughed harder but kind of stopped and just smiled. "But the best part was is that when I walked you to the nurses office, The nurse told me to leave until you were fixed and was checked up but you said 'No. I want him by my side.' I smiled remembering that moment. "That's when I realized, I'm in love with you." I replied back. He kissed my earlobe and then kissed my lips hard. I put my hand on his face and then parted. We finally stopped at our house and he unlocked the door. We both walked in and we both walked upstairs to our room. (Just saying that gives me tingles in my body). I looked in my bag, realizing I forgot PJ's. I turned to Zac. "Zac?" "Yeah, Love." I bit my lip. "I forgot my Pj's." I said. He laughed, finding it funny. "Here." He said, handing me boxers and a long T-shirt. You could tell it was his, it smelled just like him. Mints and strawberries. I slipped them quickly to find out that the shirt was long and it came all the down to my Knees.

I caught Zac sitting under the covers staring at my bum. "Zac!" I said, Laughing. He laughed. "What?" "Stop stating at my bum." I protested. He giggled. "Sorry, Love. You just look  really good in my clothes." He bit his lip. I playful rolled my eyes and smacked him with a pillow. "Ow!" He shouted. I laughed and got under the bed beside him. I pulled the blanket over me and then laid on Zac's chest. "Hey, Zac?" I asked, hoping he didn't already pass out. "Yeah." "How much do you truly love me?" I asked, curious. He took a breath. "I love you more than anything. I love you more than Scooby loves Shaggy. I love you more than the moon loves it's stars. I love you more than Romeo loves Juliet. I love you more than Gus loved Hazel. I love you more than The prince loved cinderella. I love you. What is there more to say than I love you."

I felt my eyes getting heavy and I was drifting apart. "Night, Princess." I felt his soft lips press against my forehead but just like that, I feel asleep.

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