Restless Night

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    Keith had been tossing a turning all night, unable to sleep; He was paranoid. He had been having anxiety, awful nightmares, and on top of all other things, he had been gaining weight.
    He sprung out of bed sweat beads rolling down his face, the back of his shirt was soaked. As he began acing across the floor his stomach growled loudly, the sound filling the whole room. He sighed and left his room gasping at the embrace of the cold air rushing in from the hall.. A shiver constantly went up and down his spine as he shuffled through the halls towards the dining area.
   "Ugh...why is it so fucking cold?" Keith questioned the empty area room.  He scurried up to fridge (some altean  fridge like contraption)and searched for something to pleasure his gut. He ravaged through the fridge like a wild beast, aware yet careless of his actions. Just across the room was hunk staring at Keith with a puzzled look on his face. Hunk had noticed that his under eyes we're dark and that the skinny boy looked miserable and out of sorts; Hunk Also noticed Keiths weight gain.
   "Keith?" Hunk said his voice firm and loud. Keith flinched a the sound, feeling as if his heart almost dropped to his stomach. He slammed the fridge slipping in the process and hitting his side on the counter.
   "Uh, Yeah? " He anxiously responded.  Keith was tried to calm down by taking deep breaths.
   "What are you doing?" Hunk questioned calmly, Keith harshly responded letting him know nothing was going on, then hurried back to his lonely room and shut the door. He slid down the door tears lining his eyes.


A month earlier; Lance had just confessed his feelings for the  Raven headed boy. He doubted that Keith would be okay with this but to his surprise Keith Also fessed up about the feeling he was harboring over lance. After Keith told lance everything they spent the day together, sharing a kiss during the last moment of the day. Both boys began to feel aroused by this kiss.

   Lance led Keith back to his room for some friendly "wrestling," and eventually, they spent the night together too. They talked for a few minutes, but their conversation was cut short when lance leaned in for another kiss. Keith was entranced by the way lance looked at him before every kiss. his heart raced with passion, and his stomach danced with waves of butterflies as he laid down on lances bed.

Keith pov-

 Lance was getting really intimate, it made me anxious. It seemed like his hands were moving at the speed of lighting, the room was hotter, and when lance kept talking to me the way he did, I kept slipping more and more. By now, I was only in my underwear. Don't get me wrong, I was overly thrilled for this to be happening, but I was still nervous.                                                                         "Wait lance.." I bit my lip, and lance lightly kissed my forehead, and then he kissed me..


Keith sat there, thinking about his first night with lance as it all flooded back through his mind; and then it hit him. He hurriedly sat up against the door.  'Oh no, no no no no,' he thought to himself. He stood up and very slowly opened the door, peering out into the cold hallway. He quickly jogged to pidge's room, opening her door and rushing it, letting the door swing shut behind him. Pidge turned over in her sheets, still asleep as Keith walked over and shook her awake. 

"Pidge!" He shouted at her with a whisper, Pidge was still half asleep but she looked up at him as a response. "I think...Pidge, I think I'm pregnant!"  She sat a stared with a blank face until her eyes slowly widened, "WHAT!?" She shouted. Keith, accidentally pushing her back slammed his hands over her mouth in a quick motion. "Shh!"  Keith was teary eyed, "I'm sorry, but I need to take a test, to be sure. Pidge, you can't tell anyone, not lance, not Allura, no one." Pidge nodded and led him to her bathroom.

They both waited, extremely nervous, and soon, the results confirmed the pregnancy. Keith began to cry uncontrollably. "This can't be happening! I can't do this " Before he could say more or break down even more, pidge grabbed his shoulders and stared Keith down. "Look at me Keith. Listen, go to bed. We'll figure the rest out tomorrow."Pidge shoved Keith out of her room and closed the door behind him, Keith on the other hand had tears staining his face, and the start of a booger rolling out of his nose as he trudged back to his room. Before going to bed, Keith changed to a smaller, not sweat soaked shirt and a different pair of shorts. He curled up tightly in his bed and fell asleep.                                                    

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