The Baby's

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Hi everyone. Alas, it's finally happened, I've moved season two back over to the original book. Some of the chapters will most likely be re written so I apologize but here we go.

Alas. Keith had been in labour for a good 35 minutes, the medics finally came but at this point the baby was crowning, they couldn't move him and yet the medics were astonished by how fast the first twin had already progressed. Lance was incredibly nervous, followed by a slight feeling of nausea, but he was intrigued by seeing Keith try so hard. Lance's eyes began to fill with tears as he thudded down onto his knees and held Keith.
  "I can see him...keep pushing, keep pushing Keith..!" Lance muttered. Keith screamed through pain and practically crushed Lance's hand, but Lance beared with him, and held Keith through the duration of the hard work.

  Keith was in labour, in the mall for a sold 3 1/2 hours. After the first twin began to crown, it became immensely difficult to continue pushing. After a while, Keith had finally prepared himself for the second, right as they ran into a complication.
  There wasn't any proper medical equipment, nor could they tell was exactly was going on but it appeared the second twin was stuck. The medics rushed back and for from Keith to their truck, and people around them began to panic. Keith panted and broke down into a worried cry, and an unstable state. Lance...lance felt his heart skip a beat, everything ran through his head, the sound of his heart beat became loud, and everyone else began to become muted, and the only sound was the rushing pace of his heart.

  They called more medics. As Keith began to scream in pain again, he began to bleed.

  Lance flinched, the worried stares, and mutters turned into glances of horror. Pidge's heart began to shatter as she nelt down by Keith and tried to comfort him. As Keith kept blood, the crowd was pushed into even more fright.

  Finally a ray of hope came as more medics rushed in, pushing everyone, even the father back to a safe distance as Keith screamed and cried alone.

  After the next two hours passed, both twins were passed down to lance, and the medics proceeded to move Keith to the emergency room.
  Lance, in immense shock, passed the twins off to Allura and Shiro, as he pulled Pidge with him a boarded a separate ambulance from Keith. The ride was silent, all the way to the hospital. Pidge held lance, while Keith screamed alone in the ambulance that proceeded to rush ahead of everyone.

Shiro and Allura loaded up in their lions. Commanding the others to follow after the rushed after them. Hunk stayed in the back with the twins, they were both incredibly healthy but also asleep, so he monitored them. Once they reached the hospital, they were sat down in the waiting room, next to a very startled Pidge, and a shivering Lance.

  Lance's whole world had ruptured, he was being terrified, he shook almost violently as he quietly began to cry, in pain. He couldn't catch his breath, he couldn't speak, nor could he stop shaking. He just cried, and for the next 5 hours, he cried on and off, growing weary.

  The doctors finally showed, they approached the crew, they didn't look like they had terrible news, but it didn't look like they had great news either.

The doctor spoke, lance was slightly relived. The doctor spoke, and lance was held back in the attempt to rush to Keith's room.

To be continued..

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