We're Home

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  And so finally...after struggling for as much as they did, the crew finally made it back home safely and delightfully.
  Pidge was already fully emersed in helping Keith and Lance set up for the twins and arrange a space in their room for them. She let Keith and Lance settle down and then began to help, but Keith got a little weary after a while and took a nap. Pidge quietly conversed with lance as they set up, the twins were currently in Hunks care.
  "So big guy, any plans for the wedding?" Pidge asked, she glanced up at lance and then back down at what she was doing. they were setting up a crib that was like a little Bink bed for new borns.
Lance chuckled and sighed. "I have a general idea, but this is not something I'd wanna make Keith think about just yet." He softly smiled and looked over at the instructions.
  "Yeah, I get that. I'd still hate to think that you'd be my brother in law at some point." she mischeviously grinned.
  Lance shook his head and chuckled "Yeah? Get used to it sucker." Pidge and Lance paused and then both laughed at eachother. Eventually they finished with everything, Keith was still asleep and Pidge left to help with the twins, so lance quietly unpacked their things and what not.
  He walked into the bathroom and set down a few things for the children and softly smiled. He was proud, he'd finally had his own family with the person he longed for. he looked around and sighed in releif.
  Although earth was his home, Lance smiled and after talking so long to adjust, he crouched down and finally whispered "home" to himself, falling asleep in the bathroom.

  Eventually Keith sat up, he looked around and smiled as he slowly got up, he paused and smiled seeing lance asleep in the bathroom. He covered him up with a blanket and then changed his clothes. He left the room and quietly walked to the training room, where he could walk atleast a couple laps to start with, he walked past a blue fluff ball, spread out on the floor in the hallway and paused, smiling.
  "Time for a walk Kosmo" He smiled as the fluff ball quickly raised itself onto it's feet and trotted after Keith.

  About an hour later, Lance woke up and looked around. He smiled when he noticed the blanket and slowly stood up and stretched. He noticed Keith was gone, as he kicked off his shoes and went to look around. He found Pidge and Hunk and the twins and smiled as he sat down and played with the twins, assuring himself that Keith would be alright.
  He conversed with Hunk and Pidge, until everyone was called in for dinner.
  Keith finally showed with a bright smiled on his face, looking a little sweaty. Lance softly smiled and handed the twins over, as he let Keith go feed them and out them down for bed.
  Hunk decided not to dish out plates until Keith came back, therefore, everyone chatted and laughed, bad had a little to drink as they talked. Komso slipped under the table and laid down right over Lance's feet, as Lance smiled.
  Keith came back a few minutes later and sat down next to Lance, Lance smiled and kissed his cheek as Keith blushed a bit and smiled. Everyone chatted happily, they ate dinner, Lance snuck Kosmo a few peices of meat here and there, everything was perfect.

  After dinner, Lance had a but more to drink with Hunk and Shiro, Keith went to their room and showered and slipped on some underwear and one of Lance's shirts. He climbed in bed and laid there, reading a book.
  Lance came in a little while later, he sat on the bed and looked at Keith, Keith turned into his back, he had his legs up, knees in the air as he smiled at Lance.
   Lance smirked. He looked at Keith and smiled as he placed a hand in his thigh and softly kissed his knee.
  Keith blushed and looked at him. "A little tipsy are we?" He asked Lance. Lance shrugged.
  "probably-" -he stood up on his knees and looked up at Keith. his blue eyes caught the light in a pleasing way and practically sparkled. "Spread your legs Mi Amor."
  Keith blushed intensely and did as he was asked, lance smirked and got down to business..

To Be Continued :)

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